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Complete Personalized Push Notifications Service - ZoPush Review

Last Updated On Sunday, Apr 9, 2023 | Written By - Mudit Jain

Push Notifications

Complete Personalized Push Notifications Service - ZoPush Review

Nowadays there are lots of push notifications services out their which looks promising in terms of theory but no in practical. Push notifications needs to be more personalized and engaging in order to get complete advantage of web push notification service so here in this review article we study a good and personalized web push notification service Zo Web Push.

Zo Web Push is an incredible way to boost your mobile and web engagement for anything you like to share including news, articles, tips, etc. You can use Zo Web Push to send messages to your audience whether they use laptop, computer, tablet or phone. Almost everyone who visits your site will get your notification alerts.

Additionally, you will get a lot of web push notification subscribers which means more traffic to your site. Zo Web Push is used by more than 5000+ customers including, KICKSUSA, ethos, Seniority, Curtainsonthenet and many others, and this number is increasing everyday so you may like to join this amazing web push notification tool.

Whether you are an advanced user or just doing your first steps, you can sign up for free trial. Let's review Zo Web Push and discover some of its benefits…

ZoPush Web Push Notification Features Overview :-

Zo Web Push offers many features including easy usage, segmentation, personalization, and many more to increase your website engagement.

One Click Optin

In comparison with emails, Zo web push notifications get 10X higher optin rates it is very easy to use by enabling the one-click optins. Your visitor doesn’t need to waste his time in sharing his email address, or yet subscribe.

Auto Segmentation

Zo’s web push notifications is a very smart tool, as it auto segments your subscribers based on certain factors including where he comes from, his interests on your site, his purchase triggers, etc. This feature also provides an advance understanding of your audience, so you can personalize your web push notification campaigns better than ever.

Triggers and Actions

Before start sending notification alerts they try to measure the interests, intentions, and motivations of every visitor. Therefore, you can set certain trigger notifications from the Zo’s dashboard according to our measurement of the user’s activity on your website.

Push Automation

By optimizing your tool, you can enjoy more benefits. You will be able to better engage your users, and nudge them towards conversions. You will also be able to rely on the segments to personalize your messages which leads to maximum results.

Live Tracking

Even after personalizing and sending your web push notifications, you are able to know how the campaign is performing by using Zo’s web push live tracking. You can know everything about delivery rates, opens, click throughs and much more.

Smart Push Templates

Determine the goals and requirements of your campaign, then choose a smart template you can also add some images, call-to-action and other interesting options to your notification.

Smart Campaigns

Zo’s web push notification offers smart campaigns capable of getting your website maximum conversions by understanding your audience’s interests and motives.This is capable of providing better results.

24/7 Support

The support team is available 24/7 to help you setup and run your campaigns. You can contact them via email, Skype or call.

ZoPush Web Push Notification Plans And Pricing :-

Zo Web Push offers flexible plans for beginners, pro, advanced or a complete enterprise with different prices according to the features of each. The available plans are: Free, Starter, Professional and Enterprise so you can choose what suits you more.


It is a free plan for those who just started this work. This plan offers unlimited subscribers, 3 Campaign send, HTTP support, scheduled notifications, chrome & Firefox support, desktop & mobile notifications, hosted Zo push subdomain, Javascript and REST API.


It costs $ 49 /month, and this plan is for professional designers and users. It offers all the free plan features, unlimited subscribers, unlimited notifications, persist notifications, upto 1 multi-site, welcome notifications, trending notifications, assistive overlay, multi action notifications and hero image notifications.


It costs $ 249 /month, and this is the best plan E commerce and Medium large companies. It offers all the starter plan features, unlimited subscribers, unlimited notifications, branding removed, upto multi-site, drip campaigns, RSS auto push segmentation, notification expiry and priority support


It costs $ 499 /month, and this is a lifetime plan for Enterprise Customers. Ecommerce and Travel Brands. It offers all the professional plan features, unlimited subscribers, unlimited notifications, unlimited custom triggers, unlimited multi-site, price drop notifications, custom api development, campaign strategist and 24X7 support.


How To Start With ZoPush :-

Actually, it is so easy and fast to implement this strategy. You can set up and send notifications in just 10 minutes. Engage more customers by following these steps:

Install the Code

Sign-up for the Free Zo Push account, and place the single-line code, which is generated, on your webpage before the closing tag, then begin using Zo Push web push notifications. This code designs your own special identity.


Enable Opt-In

The next step begins when a user visit your site. They display an opt-in box asking him for permission to send push notifications. If user clicks on ‘Allow’ they auto-segment him in your list to enable push notification later.

Create and Customize Notification

Create your web push notification title and text using your dashboard. You can choose the template, edit the design, give your campaign a name, preview your notification, save it or send it.



Schedule or send your messages to different segments of subscribers based on the goals of your push campaign.

Track and monitor

Discover how your subscribers received the message, whether they clocked or not on it and the number of conversions you generated. You will also be capable of optimizing your campaign on-the-go in order to get better results.

What's Good About ZoPush Web Push Notification Service :-

  • Zo Web Push is a remarkable tool for pushing notifications due to its amazing features and its easy usage.
  • Zo Web Push notifications work with over 100 ecommerce platforms.
  • It enables you to engage your users in a short time.
  • You can get 25% optin rates for business updates.
  • Discover your audience and auto-segment them into lists, so you can personalize your push messages for higher conversions.
  • Build an audience without having to create an app, since this tool support PWAs and work on iOS and Android.
  • Receive higher click through rates.
  • Increase your revenue by increasing the level of personalization.