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40 Proven Ways To Increase Your Website Traffic (In 2023)

Last Updated On Sunday, Apr 9, 2023 | Written By - Mudit Jain

Increase Website Traffic

40 Proven Ways To Increase Your Website Traffic (In 2023)

Do you want to increase your website traffic? if yes then this article is a must read article for you which will definitely help you to increase your website traffic.

Everybody wants to increase their website traffic just like you because this will lets you to generate more income, more contact and more exposure in your niche.

So in this article which is based on how to increase your website traffic i am listing 40 proven ways which i used to generate and increase my website and get over 100,000 visitors every month on this website in just 1 year so lets get started.

Under this list i listed 40 ways which will help you to increase your website traffic only if you do all this steps correctly.

#1. Choosing Perfect Web Hosting

Web Hosting is one of the earliest step of every creating and running the website so if your website or blog foundation is not strong then how will your website becomes successful.

Choosing good web hosting is as important as like choosing a niche for your website.

It is the only thing that will keep your website running 24/7 and 365 days.

No matter how good your website content is if it is not accessible to your website visitors then no one can make your website successful.

So whenever you start a blog or website think twice that hosting is one of the most important things for your website.

There are number of web hosting provider on the internet you have to decide what is your website requirement and what kind of web hosting do you need do you want shared web hosting or dedicated servers for your website or some other kind of hosting.

While choosing your hosting for your website you have to pay strong attention to hosting uptime, speed, security, customer service these are the basic and most important things you have to look on web hosting.

I recommend you Bluehost Web Hosting service it is one of the best and budget web hosting service with many web hosting options.

#2. Choosing Right Theme

40 Proven Ways To Increase Your Website Traffic

After choosing web hosting you have to choose themes or templates for your website or blog.

If you know programming like me than great but if you don't know or want to use themes for your website then you have to select a good themes for your niche.

There are millions of themes available on internet to choose from some are paid and some are free you can choose from variety of options.

Like if you are creating a blog then choose blog theme or if you are creating business website then choose business theme or if you are crating an ecommerce website then choose ecommerce theme.

There are literally tons of themes for every kind of website. You have to decide and choose the best suitable theme for your website.

Themes also plays a crucial role in increasing your website traffic. Your website theme should be neat and clean and without and cliches while scrolling and must me loading fast so that your website visitor do not have to wait for too long.

There are many marketplace where you can get free or paid themes for your website and one of them is Elegant Themes they have the best collection of themes on internet.

#3. Create New Content

Did you post content regularly on your website or blog? If not then you must have to post content regularly to get more traffic.

Yes i know that creating new content regularly is one of the most difficult task specially if you run your website single handedly.

But there are lots of benefits of creating content on a regular basis on your website.

First your website readers regularly get new content whenever they visits your website so they visit your website more frequently and also suggest other readers in their connection to visit your website for fresh content.

Google loves new and quality content so that is another reason to create and post fresh and quality content regularly because the more you post more quickly the google crawler crwal and rank your website.

If you are not using Google Search Console then start using this right now and create a sitemap everytime your publish any content on your website or blog and then submit the sitemap on Google Search Console this will tell Google to crawl your website for new content.

And ultimately rank your website article or blog post more frequently and increase your website traffic.

You should not only use Google Search Console but also use some other webmaster tools like Bing webmaster tools etc which will help you to increase your website traffic.

#4. Organic Traffic

Increase Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is the best traffic for websites and blog this traffic is also called search engine traffic.

And everything which is best comes with lot of efforts and organic traffic is no different.

In order to get high organic traffic it takes a lot of efforts and time. You have to write good quality content do on-page and off-page optimisations and build quality backlinks and many more things.

And once the organic traffic starts flowing on your website you don't have to worry much about other things.

Why Organic traffic is best traffic for your website? Let me answer this suppose if i tell you to write 1 quality blog post on 'How To Start A Blog' and do proper SEO share your article on social media and all these things take around 10-12 hours if done perfectly and leave the article to rank and once the article rank you will get tons of organic traffic every month without doing any work for years.

This the power of organic traffic. Some of the article on this website gets more than 10,000 organic visitors every month without putting much efforts.

Organic traffic depends on various factors like niche, time, on-page SEO, off-page SEO and quality content without these things you did not get good organic traffic that is for sure.

If you are starting a new website or blog then you have to choose your niche very carefully whether your niche have good organic searches or not this thing is very important.

After that quality content i said earlier also that quality content is most important for any kind of website because it is the only things which will attract your readers for lifetime.

Then SEO comes to play his role. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation means optimize your content for search engine also but don't over optimise your content this will lead to Search Engine Penalty.

SEO is of two types On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO both of these are necessary to rank your website on search engines and to increase organic traffic.

#5. Internal Linking

Increase Traffic Using Internal Linking

Internal linking is a part of On-page SEO where you link your old content or related content with each other.

Suppose i write this article which is based on increase website traffic and i mentioned increase organic traffic in this article and i already created an article on increase organic traffic so i link my old article in this article where i mentioned increase organic traffic.

Internal linking is very beneficial because it tell your readers that we also have related content on this topic which keeps your readers more engage on your website which is good in both SEO terms and website traffic.

But make sure to link only related content because it will also give negative impact on your website.

Internal linking not only helps you to generate more traffic but also increases page authority and ultimately increase your website traffic by ranking higher in search engines.

Let me tell you this website example i internal link some of the my articles with each other and after some time around more than 2 weeks this website organic traffic increase by 5-8% and pageviews increases by 10-15% which incredible.

How internal links helps your website to generate more traffic? When you link some of the related articles to each other then google crawler things that these links are also a valauble resource and give them higher rankings.

#6. Link Building

Increase Website Traffic Using Link Building

Link building is one of the best but very risky method to increase website traffic if you do this correctly it will give you millions of traffic and if you did not do it correctly it will lead your website to complete disaster.

Link building is the process to get links from other websites, the more links pointing to your website more valuable will be your website and its content.

Biggest search engine Google does not like link building because this process is not a natural process of getting links to your website.

Natural link building process is where you write awesome content which will get links automatically from other websites where you don't have to build links by yourself.

The number 1 website is google which has more than 3,420,161 so this tells search engines how valuable the website is.

Links are not the only factor which will tell search engines of how valuable the website is.There are many factors and one of them and the major one is links.

Link are of two types good quality links or bad quality links. To get higher ranking in search engines you have to get good quality backlinks.

The links which you get from high authority websites which have high pagerank or high domain authority like reddit, techcrunch, huffington post, high authority social media websites and etc.

The more links you get from such websites more trust you get from search engines and chances of getting penalized will decrease gradually.

#7. Starting A Newsletter

Increase Website Traffic Using Email Marketing

Did you use newsletter to get more traffic to your website? If no then start doing this right now.

This is one of the biggest mistake most of the bloggers do.

They did not use newsletter and build an email list of their subscribers.

I was also like you and believe me i was regreting of not building an email list and sending the newsletter until i use one.

Newsletter is one fo the top ways to get more traffic, more subscribers and more sales.

You should start creating an email list and turn your website visitors into email subscribers and ultimately your customers.

How newsletter helps to generate more traffic to your website?

Suppose your website or blog getting 1000 visitors per day and by using newsletter service you convert 5% of your visitors into email subscribers every day so in the end of the month you have 1500 subcribers.

When you send newsletter about your latest blog post, about any offer or an event etc to your subscribers more than 10% of your subscribers will return to your website and that visitors will be more than 150.

So in this way you get more traffic, customer and sales and if you send newsletter everyday to all your subscribers you will get more than 4500 visitors every month and by the way that's a good amount of visitors for new websites without doing much work.

I recommend you to use Aweber for building an email list and sending newsletter because it is the best email marketing tool i have ever use.

#8. Web Push Notification

Web Push Notifications is a kind of new method of getting more traffic to your website. But it's very effective and better than email marketing but you don't have any emails because this does not work with emails.

What is web push notifications?

Push Notifications are the small alerts which is shown to all your subscribers in their browsers whenever you want no matter what device you use.

Push Notifications works exactly like app notifications and no matter your are offline or online your subscribers will get notifications whenever they are online.

Web Push Notification gives a very simple way to your website visitors to subscribe for your website push notifications and due to its effective popup more than 10% of your website visitors will convert into subscribers.

Web Push Notification are easy to use, easy to integrate and more effective than any list building if you have around 1000 subscribers you will easily get 100 susbcribers return to your website whenever you send notifications.

If you did not use push notifications for your website till now than start using one you will definitely get good amount of traffic and sales.

I recommend you to use PushEngage Web Push Notification tools because it is the best web push notification tool with low price and great features. We also use PushEngage on some of our website.

#9. Google Search Console

Did you use Google Search Console to increase your website traffic? If not use this it will significantly increase your website traffic for sure.

I was not taking Google Search Console seriously just like but that was also one of the mistake that i did but now i use this to increase my website traffic by submtting sitemap and by finding which page of my blog is not getting any traffic or low traffic and by find keywords that people used to searches and finding my website.

Google Search Console is a free tool made for webmasters just like you and i to inprove their website by getting more insights like traffic, indexing, issue and many more.

You can use Google Search Console for finding how many pages are index in Google, how much search traffic you get every month, where i am getting links and how your webpages are performing and much more.

In this way you can use this tool to find low performing page or pages that do not get any search traffic and you can optmize those pages and this way you can increase your website traffic.

I use Google Search Console for finding my low traffic webpages and keywords which i used to get traffic, domain which gives me backlinks and many other things.

I also use this tool to find if there is an error on website like crawl errors, URL errors make sure none these errors will occur again because this will decrease your website ranking and traffic.

So in this way you can use Google Search Console to increase your website traffic significantly.

#10. Submit Your Site To Search Engines

If you have a new website or your website has 0 links from other website then you must have to submit your website to search engines.

Submitting your website to search engines means just telling them that you have a website and please crawl my website and its content.

This will help you to rank your website quickly in search engines.

It takes couple of weeks to rank your website because there are billions of website around and it is difficult and slow process to rank website.

Many popular search engines like Google, Bing etc provides and easy form to submit your website in their direcrtory so that they can crawl your website and its content quickly.

Submit your website to Google by using there Webmaster Tool or by using there URL submission tool.

Submit your website to Bing by using there Webmaster Tools.

#11. Paid Advertising

Advertising is also a good way to get more traffic to your website.

Do you thing that your website content is good and do you have a budget of advertising your website or blog? If yes then go ahead adn advertise your website on search engine and social media.

They will send you extremely targeted traffic to your website which will definitely get you more loyal readers and customers for lifetime.

Advertising is even good if you have products to sell on your website because it not only send targeted and highly engaging customers but also generate income by sending traffic to those products.

There are many options available to advertise your website or blog online like you can advertise on search engines, social media, other websites in your niche etc.

But Google in search engine and Facebook in social media is my personal favourite where i was used advertise my other website 2-3 months back and getting very good results and income from them.

Both of them offer very reasonable price to advertise your content on their platform. But if you compare Google and Facebook in terms of cost and return of investment Facebook is better than Google.

You can find many options if you are ready to advertise on social media you can advertise on Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Stumbleupon in very less price as compared to Facebook.

#12. Facebook

Increase Website Traffic Using Facebook

Do you use Facebook to increase your website traffic? If not then start using right now.

Facebook is the biggest social media website and the third most visiting websites on the internet.It has more than 2 billion monthly active users.

it is started in 2004 and since then it become one of the highest traffic sending website in the world and best to get social media traffic. Many popular websites only depends on facebook for traffic.

Now you realise how powerful facebook is in terms of sending traffic to your website.

You can get traffic from Facebook in many ways like by creating a dedicated page also known as facebook fan page for your website or blog where you can post your latest articles or updates of your website and interact with your facebook fans.

You can also get traffic by joining facebook groups of your niche where you can post your website articles, videos, infographics and many other things. But don't spam this features by post same article in multiple groups if you do you account will be restricted by sometime and many forever.

You can also create your own personal group for your website where you can share your blog post regularly with your group members to keep updated your group members with the latest post.

I just wanted to tell you that we use facebook groups to share our latest articles and updates of our website we do this process for over 5 months and we get very good results we get more than 200 visitors whenever we share article on groups and got more than 11,000 likes on our facebook page which pretty awesome.

You also use facebook to advertise your website or particular article like i said earlier Facebook is one of the best medium to get paid traffic and free traffic as well.

You can also use some facebook scheduling tool which will help you to schedule post and whenever you have time and your post with published on your facebook page or your facebook groups whenever you want.

I recommend you to use Statusbrew Scheduling Tool for facebook it is very good and easy to use.

#13. Twitter

Increase Website Traffic Using Twitter

Twitter is the second most popular social media platform but it is always be the number 1 choice for all the big companies, brands and others who wants to create a brand name for themselves.

Getting traffic from twitter is very simple as compared to other popular social media platforms.

You just have to create a profile for yourself or for your website and start sending tweets related to your niche slowly-slowly you will get good amount of followers and traffic and you will established yourself as a brand.

To quickly get tons of traffic and followers you have to spend some time in following related people and engaging with them by liking, replying and retweeting their tweets.

Make sure if you really want to get traffic from twitter always use hashtags on your tweets to get more visibility and more engagement on your tweets and ultimately more followers.

Twitter is my favourite social media platform in terms of getting traffic and leads. Without spending much time on twitter all thanks to the twitter management tools which will help you to literally do any task with 10x of speed.

You can schedule your tweets and send whenever you want, send welcome message automatically, get more followers quickly and many other things using twitter management tools.

I use 2-3 twitter management tools for all our twitter task. I use Statusbrew for twitter scheduling and messaging, ManageFilter to follow and unfollow users on twitter.

With the help of these tools we get more than 3,000 visitors every month and get more than 9,000 followers in just 2 months which is incredible.

You can also use twitter to advertise your website or blog in very low price and in return you will get good amount of traffic but frankly speaking the traffic is not that targeted or engaging as compared to Facebook.

#14. LinkedIn

Increase Website Traffic Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a biggest social network for professionals.

So if your website in under professional niches like this website in web development and internet marketing then you should start using LinkedIn right now it send extremely targeted traffic to your website or blog.

LinkedIn is purely for professionals there is no place for entertainment niche website like movies website or viral websites in LinkedIn.

I started using LinkedIn after 1 year of starting this website and this is one of my biggest mistake because when i start using LinkedIn and sharing this website content i get really targeted traffic more targeted than organic search.

I get more than 50-100 visitors every day without doing any promotions from last 3-4 months this is the magic of LinkedIn you create share article with original link back to your website post and by the time that LinkedIn article start getting organic searches and in return you will also get some traffic without doing any work in LinkedIn you just have to sit back and enjoy LinkedIn traffic.

Getting traffic from LinkedIn is pretty much same like getting traffic from Facebook create a business page for your website join some groups on your niche and get connected with similar niche professionals share your content and interact with other connections build your community and that's all.

#15. Pinterest

Pinterest is also a good social network to drive traffic to your website.

If your website have beautiful images, infographics then Pinterest can send hell lot of traffic to your website.

Pinterest is all about visual content and completely different with other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.

Getting started with Pinterest is easy you just have signup and start creating boards for your eye catchy images and pin your images under those boards.

Pinterest can be used by anyone just like other social networks you just have to pin beautiful and creative images and in return Pinterest sends tons of traffic to your website easily.

I did not use pinterest right now to promote this website but i use Pinterest for some other websites of mine and the results will be very good.

#16. Google+

Now here comes the Google+ despite of all the myths and realities i figured out how to use Google+ to drive traffic to my website.

As we all know and also the name suggest Google+ is owned by Google which is the biggest search engine in the world.

Some internet marketing expert says that there is some connection between Google+ and organic searches and guess what, Yes this is true.

I was also in doubt so i check it out myself and start using Google+ to promote one of my website based on entertainment niche.

Promoting my entertainment website for about a month on Google+ i get 3% increase in organic traffic and when i thought this increase is due to some other factors not from Google+ so i was stop promoting my content on Google+ after next just to figured out what's the reason and i saw 2-3% drop in my organic traffic.

So after that i use Google+ to promote my content.

Getting traffic from Google+ is not that easy you have to spend some time to really get good amount of traffic.

#17. Instagram

Increase Website Traffic Using Instagram

Instagram, everyone's favourite social network for photo sharing.

Instagram growth is unbelievable from past 2-3 years and today Instagram has more than 700 millions users which is incredible.

Instagram is also one of the biggest visual social network in the world you can only share your photos and videos that's it.

So if your website uses good images and videos then surely Instagram will help you to get some more traffic.

There are two golden rules to promote your images and videos on Instagram and get some good traffic and achieve sucsess in Instagram.

First is hashtags, Instagram works exactly like Twitter in terms of hashtags.

Always write 5-6 popular and related hashtags while posting your images or videos on Instagram this will definitelt increases your content reach and ultimately sends more traffic to your website.

Second is start following people in your niche and this also works like Twitter. When you follow similar niche people chances are they will follow you back and the more followers you have the more traffic you will get.

#18. Youtube

Increase Website Traffic Using YouTube

Youtube is the biggest video sharing website it has more than 1.3 billion monthly active users.

If your website produces video content then promoting your videos is the best on Youtube is the option to get more traffic and some extra money from Youtube thanks to the their monetisation method.

Promoting content on Youtube is very easy you just have to upload your videos on youtube and add link to your website in video description.

If your videos are good then surely you will get good amount of traffic and apart from this you can also comment on other related videos and give your feedback and suggest your videos or content to visit.

Apart from these methods there is no other trick or method to get traffic from Youtube.

#19. Flipboard

Flipboard is a social bookmarking website and is not as popular as other social platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Flipboard is one fo the biggest social bookmarking site and also one of the highest traffic sending website.

Let me tell you my entertainment niche website story. When i created my website which is based on Top 10 of everything and bookmarks my website articles on flipboard.

Just after bookmarking my articles i get exceptional traffic from flipboard. You don't believe and even i don't believe that much amount of traffic can any platform send in just 1 day without doing any work other than just bookmarking your content.

My entertainment niche website gets more than 50,000 visits and more than 75,000 pageviews within 24 hours i was shocked with the results and now my first priority to submit my new blog post as soon as i published new post.

Flipboard is very easy to use you just have to create a magazine for your website and start bookmarking your blog post or your content under that magazine and if you are article is good and recieved good response from readers then your article will be promoted to Flipboard's top category and you will get tens of thousands of traffic in very short span of time.

#20. Reddit

Reddit is very popular social news platform where you can share you website content and sub reddits and get very good amount of traffic to your website.

Reddit is for everyone whether your website or blog is based on cooking, fishing etc no matter what your website niche is Reddit has millions of subreddits which cover almost every niche.

Getting traffic from reddit is difficult as compared to other social platforms.

Reddit has Karma features and the more karma you have more will be your authority.

So it takes time to build karma by posting useful comments, interacting with other users, submitting usefull links on Reddit etc and all this takes a lot of time.

But when you gain some authority no one will stop your from getting good amount of traffic and if your content gets viral in Reddit the you may get millions of views in very short period of time but all it takes is Patience.

If you have some time to spend then definitely try Reddit once you will love the results you get from Reddit.

But do whatever you want to do in Reddit but never spam or self promote you will get banned from Reddit in no time, so never ever submit only your content.

Always share or submit mix content like 1-2 links from your site and 5-6 links from others websites and make sure the links are good and provide some knowledge to the Reddit community.

Then you will definitely get traffic from Reddit to your website.

#21. Tumblr

Tumblr is very popular social networking and blogging website where you can create your own blogs and promote your content and interact with other bloggers by following there blogs and sharing their content.

Tumblr has more than 359 million blogs with more than 555 million monthly visitors so its a big mistake to not use Tumblr to promote your content and get some traffic to your website.

Using Tumblr is very easy you just need to create your blog after signing up and starting sharing your content and always remember to hashtags in every post because Tumblr is also like Twitter and Instagram where most of the people search hashtags to view what is going on.

Tumblr is good for any type of content but if you have good images you will have slightly more chances of getting more traffic from tumblr.

Tumblr is very popular in youngsters so if your website content is good and have humour then you will definitely get lots of traffic from Tumblr.

#22. Stumbleupon

Stumbleupon is also another social bookmarking website which also send lots of traffic but the traffic is not that targeted like other social websites like Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

Getting traffic from Stumbleupon is depends on three factors quality content, strong fan following on Stumbleupon and lots of luck.

Stumbleupon works on popularity basis if your content will get higher ranking whenever someone stumble your content it work exactly like search engines. You get more stumbles your content will be promoted to higher ranking and reach to thousands of people who are interested in your content.

The traffic you get from Stumbleupon is not that good which is one of the reason some internet marketer did not Stumbleupon to get traffic to their website.

But if you want lots of traffic and don't care about bounce rate and time spend then you should definitely use Stumbleupon to promote your content.

#23. Social Sharing Plugins

Social sharing plugins are very important for any website image you have written a great blog post and visitors start coming to your website and they want to share your blog post with their friends in social media websites and on other platforms and they don't have any way to directly share your blog post with their friends and in the end most of the visitors did not found an easy way to share your blog post and ultimately they don't share your blog post.

That's the huge loss so you should always provide an easy way to share your blog post or anything on other platform like social media websites, email, bookmark etc.

This will help your website to reach out to more audience and increase your website traffic and backlinks.

#24. Write Guest Post

Increase Website Traffic Using Guest Post

Guest post is also one of the best way to increase your website traffic.

You just have to write for other website as a guest writer and in return you will get good amount of traffic and backlink to your website.

Now you are thinking why bloggers write and share their priceless knowledge on someone else blog the reason is to get more popularity, trust, traffic and high authority backlinks.

If you want to get really good amount of traffic like around 10,000 visitors per month then you have to start looking for big websites which accept guest post like Forbes, Huffington Post etc.

But before asking them for a guest post get some experience in guest blogging so that you can show big websites that you are already an experience guest blogger.

Guest post in high authority websites will not only sends referral traffic to your website but also increases your website organic traffic and you also considered as an expert by other users.

Always do guest post on big sites when you gain some experience and become an expert in particular niche.

You can easily find websites in almost every niche which accepts guest post just search for your keyword with guest post and you will many websites related to your niche for guest posting.

#25. Accept Guest Post

Accept guest post is a win-win situation for you and for those who will do guest post on your blog.

You will get free content which will increase your website traffic and social shares from user who do guest post and sometimes users also mention their guest post by giving them link so in that case you will also get a backlink.

But always check the quality of guest post before publishing and also check whether the content is copied from another source or not otherwise.

Attracting writers who published guest post on other blogs a little bit difficult task you have to create a seperate page for guest bloggers and mention all things you will give to to publish guest post on your blog.

You have to write how big your website or blog is, either your give dofollow or nofollow backlink and other things related to your website which will attract guest bloggers to published a good guest post on your blog.

And always ask guest bloggers to show their previous works just to confirm that they are good in particular niche.

#26. Interact With Bloggers

You can increase your website traffic by interacting with other bloggers in your niche.

You can other bloggers on Twitter, Facebook and in LinkedIn and interact with them share their post on your network or on your website and also tell them do the same for you this brings good amount of traffic and backlinks also.

You can also share your new blog post with them and if they like your blog post they will mention your post on their website and you will get backlinks with traffic

Interacting with other bloggers related to your niche helps you in many ways apart from getting traffic and backlinks.

Networking with other bloggers will provide you opportunities, more work, popularity etc.

#27. Webinars

Increase Website Traffic Using Webinars

Webinars yes i know not the best and good way to increase your website traffic but it one of the way to establish yourself as an expert in your niche and get more customers and that's results in more traffic.

Webinars are also called seminars or video interviews where you can talk about some particular topic.

Webinars gives you and your website a lot of exposure and also increase your website traffic.

#28. Give Interviews

Interview is also like webinars but it can be video, audio or written.

If you ask my self i love interview it is the best way to tell audience, readers and the whole who are you, what you do and what are your future plans.

It developes a personal contact between you and your audience and after that more audience will follow you and your website and hence it will ultimately increase your website traffic and growth in terms of everything.

I intereviewed recently on a website where i tell each and everything about how i started, what i am doing right now and what are my future plans and it's been a month and we got pretty good amount of traffic and news customers fro them.

So it's a very good method to increase your overall online presense.

#29. Interview Experts

This is also one of the easiest way to increase your website traffic but also a very time consuming way.

There are some experts in every niche who have large following, high traffic website or blog, large email list etc.

Interview those experts in on your website by reaching them via email or any other method and ask some questions related to your niche.

Suppose i am in web development and internet marketing niche so i can ask 'How Internet Marketing Change The World' or some related to web development and the will answer your questions and also ask their bio and what's their future plan and something like that they are easy to tell you.

After that when you interview all the experts tell them to share this post on their community and website this way you get tons of traffic and backlinks.

Believe me i create a similar expert interview post 1-2 years back and imagine hundreds of visitors every week upto 6-7 months and get many high quality backlinks.

Now i am also planning to take interview experts for this website also, really it's one of the best way to get traffic and baclinks.

#30. Giveaways

Giveaways are a good way to increase your website traffic as well as getting more customers.

Giveaways are some products that offer for free by doing some task like subscribing the email newsletter or anything else.

Giveaways are the perfect way to build an email list for your website and which ultimately increase your website traffic.

How Giveaways increase your website traffic?

Nowadays many bloggers used to offer some of their tricks and tips as Giveaway and to get those tips you have to subcriber their newsletter and in this way they convert over 10% of the visitors in subscribers.

More will the subcribers more will be the traffic so Giveaways are also a good way to increase your website traffic.

Giveaways can be of any kind you can offer tips, free course PDF, video tutorials or anything which is best suited for your readers.

#31. Creating Products

40 Proven Ways To Increase Your Website Traffic

Do you have any product for your website audience? If no then create one because products are one of the best way to get more links and traffic from other websites and search engines.

Creating a good product is a difficult task but if you did it then it will be the best way to increase traffic and getting good quality backlinks.

Imagine you have a good SEO tool that will help others to do proper SEO on their website then your will definitely get tons of backlinks and good amount of traffic within very short period of time.

You can take example of various products like SEMrush, longtailpro and themes and plugins they were promoted without doing any efforts and attract thousands of traffic everyday from search engines.

So if you are planning to create products in your niche go ahead and create a good product which is beneficial for other it not only get more traffic but also generates revenue.

#32. Creating Course

Creating course is similar like creating a product but in this method you educate your readers with your knowledge.

If you are an expert in your field just like we are good in web development and internet marketing niche and you think you can educate others in the form of course.

Then create your course and educate your website readers by offering free or paid course on your website.

And if your course is good then it will definitely attracts and engage many visitors which ultimately increase your website traffic.

#33. Infographics

Do you know what are Infographics? If no then Infographics are the visual representation of your content.

It is like an image in which content and mini images written on it.

Infographics are also one of the best way to get more traffic and links from other websites. Lot of people use infographics in their post to create more engaging and visually attracttive content.

Infographics looks very beautiful and attractive and the best things you can write any type of content on them.

Let me show you the sample infographics.

Neil Patel written a good and detailed blog post on how to increase traffic with Infographics.

#34. Partnerships

Do you Partnership with other similar sites in your niche can give you many benefits?

Partnerships have many benefits you can get more traffic, subscribers, customers and links and also trust.

By doing partnerships with other website you can easily get good amount of traffic by sharing each others content on various paltforms like social media, newsletter, in article etc.

You can also get more subscribers and customers who are ready to buy products from you. It's a win-win situtation for both of you.

You get almost everything which is necessary for the growth of your website or blog using Partnerships.

#35. Social Bookmarking

Increase Website Traffic Using Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is another great way to generate more traffic to your website.

You don't need to submit your blog post in each and every bookmarking site that exist in order to get traffic.

Just only submit your post link to only selected social bookmarking sites like Flipboard, Stumbleupon, Delicious etc.

These are the high PR sites with millions of active readers so you get good amount of traffic and quality backlinks.

Make sure you only submit to popular social bookmarking sites because it doesn't considered as spam in front og Google's eyes.

This will also prevent your website from getting penalised by Google.

#36. Blog Commenting

Blog commenting is a very good method to increase your website traffic and trust by posting usefull comments on other websites or blogs.

If you do blog commenting correctly you will surely get many benefits some of them are referral traffic, backlinks nofollow or dofollow doesn't matter, represent yourself as an expert and good reader etc.

And if do not do blog commenting correctly means if you do only just to get backlinks and traffic by posting spam comments on wherever you want chances are you were getting banned from such website and you can also get penalised by Google.

So always write and post useful comments which is helpful for writer and other commentors after reading the article.

Don'y write your website or blog post URL in comment section always write URL in only website section.

I also used to do blog commenting for my other websites and i get very good amount of traffic thousands of visitors every month and good amount of baclinks.

Remember always post comments which is useful for others also not only just for.

#37. Forums And Q&A Site

Forums are Q&A website are the good source to get traffic from. You can also considered Forums as community websites where users will share and solve problem of other users by answer the questions and referring to some useful resources.

Forums are the great of backlinks and highly targeted traffic to your website.

There many forums for every niche so you can easily find forums on your niche you search your niche with forums keyword and you will get many forum links.

One of the most popular forum and Q&A website is Quora where you can easily get backlinks and highly traffic just by helping other by solving their problems.

Like i am in web development and blogging niche so i can answer questions related to web development and blogging and refer some of the blog post in my answers.

In this way you get highly targeted traffic to your website and good quality backlinks which helps your website to increase its ranking in search engine.

Forums and Q&A sites are the generally very high PR sites and also have very good domain authority so if you are not using Forums and Q&A sites till now then start using them and help other blogger by sharing useful content and answering their questions.

#38. Directory Submission

Directory submission is also a good way to increase your website traffic.

There are many web directories where you can submit your website but some are paid and some are free.

You can submit your website their and get good amount of traffic.

But in my opinion always go for paid web directories where you have to pay a little amount and get your website or blog listed for about an year or lifetime.

The reason behind this is that these web directories are more spam free and your website will get penalised by Google.

If you don't want to spend your money in listing website on web directories you can also submit your website on free diectories but always choose directories which do not list your website instantly these were the highest spam websites.

So always choose paid and highly trusted web directories to submit your website or blog and never choose web directories which are free and instantly approves your website without reviewing.

#39. Article Submission

Article submission is also like directory submission you have to submit your article instead of website.

There are two ways to submit your article either submit your article link or write a complete article and submit.

Both of them are good to get traffic to your website and good quality backlinks to your webite and article.

There are many website where you can submit your articles like EHow, Ezine, Squidoo and many more but these are the high authority website where you get good amount of traffic and high authority backlinks to your website which also increase your website ranking and traffic.

#40. RSS

Do you know RSS and how RSS increase my website traffic by 20%?

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is rich format of your website cotent like blog post.

This is the simple RSS format.

RSS helps me increase my website traffic by more than 20%.

I did not use many things to improve my website due to less knowledge and one of them is RSS but one day i read an article which tells how to increase your website traffic using RSS and then i know the power of RSS.

With the help of RSS you can distribute your website content like blog post to many websites which accept RSS feed submission.

If you do not have RSS feed for your website then start creating one and start submitting RSS feed to RSS directories.

Whenever you create a new blog post you have to write that blog post meta data and in your RSS Feed and as soon as you add the news blog post data in your RSS feed all the websites which have your RSS feed will get your new blog post.

You can also use Google FeedBurner tool which acts like a email marketing tools where you can submit your RSS feed and your RSS subscriber will get a mail whenever you updated your RSS feed with new content and this way to get more traffic to your website.

And this is how i increase my website tarffic to more than 20% using RSS feed. This website have more than 8000 RSS feed subscribers and whenever RSS feed updated with new tutorials or blog post a mail sent to all the subscirbers having short details of new blog post and more than 300-400 subscriber will come to read our tutorial.

This way you can use RSS feed to increase your website traffic just like i did.

#Final Thought

These are my 40 proven ways to increase your website traffic.

I use all these step to increase my website traffic from 0 to 100,000 per month and if you do all these steps as per your requirment your website traffic will definitely increase.

But keep some patience because increase your website traffic is not an easy task it takes some time around 3-4 months to see actual results of your hardwork.

This is my first article based on ways to increase website traffic i hope you like this article.

Please share this article with your friends via email and social media.

Feel free to share your thoughts and tell us what you think about this article on comments and tell us if you recommend any method increasing website traffic.

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