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SocialMatize Review - Get More Quality Followers On Twitter

Last Updated On Sunday, Apr 9, 2023 | Written By - Mudit Jain

Social Media

SocialMatize Review - Get More Quality Followers On Twitter

Twitter is one of the best ways to create a brand and to let people know it by getting more followers, interacting with them, regular posting things that your followers like, but all these things need a lot of time which is not possible for many people, specially who work alone or manage multiple accounts.

But now here comes a twitter tool, Socialmatize, which helps to do all these things without putting much time: you can do all your twitter tasks in just a couple of minutes.

Socialmatize is a new tool for twitter which will help you to grow your twitter account and make them more visible in a natural way. With the help of this tool you can configure several triggers based on keywords, hashtags or phrases and then define what actions to perform.

For example, "Like" the tweet when this trigger happen, "Retweet" or "Follow" and many more things. You can also segment the target audience with various filters or geolocation.

SocialMatize Features Overview :-

Define Search

Socialmatize lets you search tweets, hashtags and users using various search operators. You can also choose only people who have a certain language in your profile, or the account is from a certain country where you are interested in expanding or getting new followers.

SocialMatize Review - Get More Quality Followers On Twitter


When Socialmatize searches tweets as per your choice, you can active some actions like “Retweet”, “Like” or follow that user when the tweet having, for example, #socialmedia hashtag. You can also undo this actions after a few hours or even undo the "Follow" if the user does not follow you after a period of time and many more things... You can also add new followers who met with your search criteria into a public or private list or send them a "Direct message" automatically.

SocialMatize Review - Get More Quality Followers On Twitter

Set Filters

You can apply filters to the searches like "follow only those people who have profile photo", "follow only those who have more than certain number of followers, followings or posts", or "tweets having links or multimedia" like photos or videos.

SocialMatize Review - Get More Quality Followers On Twitter

Set Time Interval

This feature is my personal favourite. This features lets you run your triggers only for certain time period. For example: you have to retweet all the tweets which have #merrychristmas hashtag only in Christmas Day or you can follow people who publish about christmas in christmas week and then stop this trigger automatically.

SocialMatize Review - Get More Quality Followers On Twitter

What's Good About SocialMatize :-

  • Socialmatize triggers are very good to perform searches very effectively, find your target and perform actions accordingly.
  • Socialmatize is very easy to use and you can do any kind of work without getting any problem.
  • This twitter tool supports many kind of search operators which is very good to find all the relevant tweets and followers for you and discard those that are not.
  • Socialmatize offers many plans. These are intended for people who want to use the tool for short periods of time or for those who manage many twitter accounts.
  • They also offer a free plan for 5 days so that you can try the tool before buying a plan.

Final Verdict About SocialMatize :-

Yes we definitely recommend Socialmatize because it is one of the best tool for automation. Set up your Twitter account in autopilot mode. You will fall in love with this tool.