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HTML Style

Style attribute is used to change the apperance of HTML elements like text color,background color,font-size etc.

Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) is used to give styling to HTML elements you can apply plenty of different style attribute to HTML elements

Syntax: attributename:value;

There are three ways to apply styling:

  • External: Define style sheet rules in a separate .css file and then include that file in your HTML document using HTML <link> tag.
  • Internal:Define styles in the <head> tag inside <style> tag.
  • Inline:Define styles in starting tag of an element.

External Styling

style.css file



<! DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<p class="para1">This is the example of External style</p>

Result of the above Example

This is the example of External style

Internal Styling

<! DOCTYPE html>
<p class="para1">This is the example of Internal style</p>

Result of the above Example

This is the example of Internal style

Inline Styling

<p class="para1" style="color:blue;font-size:20px;">This is the example of Inline style</p>

Result of the above Example

This is the example of Inline style

You will learn complete CSS in CSS Tutorials.

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