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HTML Javascript

HTML Javascript is used to add interactivity on the webpage like alertbox or show hide the div or element.The script can be written using Javascript or VBScript.

Syntax:<script>Anything you define here</script>.script tag is always placed inside head tag.

  • External Javascript:Define script rules in a separate .js file and then include that file in your HTML document using HTML <script> tag.
  • Internal Javascript:Define script in the <head> tag inside <script> tag.

External Javascript


function sample()
alert('This is the example of External Javascript');


<! DOCTYPE html>
<srcipt src="demo.js" type="text/javascript"/></script>
<input type="button" onclick="sample();" value="Click">

Result of the above Example

Internal Javascript

<! DOCTYPE html>
<srcipt type="text/javascript">
function sample()
alert('This is the example of Internal Javascript');
<input type="button" onclick="sample();" value="Click">

Result of the above Example

You will learn complete Javascript in Javascript Tutorials

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