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HTML Text Formating

HTML has also used some tags to format the text and display differently.

Some of the text-formating tags are as follows.

  • <b></b>:It is called bold tag the text between the bold tag is displayed in bold

  • Example of bold tag

    <p><b>This is the example of Bold tag</b></p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of Bold tag

  • <i></i>:It is called italic tag the text between the italic tag is displayed in italicized

  • Example of italic tag

    <p><i>This is the example of italic tag</i></p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of italic tag

  • <u></u>:It is called underline tag the text between the underline tag is displayed with underline

  • Example of underline tag

    <p>This is the example of <u>Underline tag</u></p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of Underline tag

  • <small></small>:It is called small tag the text between the small tag is displayed in small size as compared to other text

  • Example of small tag

    <p>This is the example of <small>small</small>tag</p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of small tag

  • <big></big>:It is called large tag the text between the larger tag is displayed in larger size as compared to other text

  • Example of larger tag

    <p>This is the example of <big>large</big>tag</p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of large tag

  • <strike></strike>:It is called strike tag the text between the strike tag is displayed in with the thin line over the text

  • Example of strike tag

    <p>This is the example of <strike>strike</strike>tag</p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of strike tag

  • <sup></sup>:It is called superscript tag the text between the superscript tag is displayed half a character's height above the other characters

  • Example of superscript tag

    <p>This is the example of <sup>superscript</sup>tag</p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of superscript tag

  • <sub></sub>:It is called subscript tag the text between the subscript tag is displayed half a character's height beneath the other characters

  • Example of subscript tag

    <p>This is the example of <sub>subscript</sub>tag</p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of subscript tag

  • <ins></ins>:It is called inserted tag the text between the inserted tag is displayed as inserted text

  • Example of insert tag

    <p>This is the example of <del>deleted</del><ins>inserted</ins>tag</p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of deletedinserted tag

  • <del></del>:It is called delete tag the text between the del tag is displayed as deleted text

  • Example of delete tag

    <p>This is the example of <del>deleted</del><ins>inserted</ins>tag</p>

    Result of above example

    This is the example of deletedinserted tag

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