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HTML Tutorial
- HTML Introduction
- HTML Editors
- HTML Main Tags
- HTML All Tags
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Formating
- HTML Comments
- HTML Links
- HTML Images
- HTML Tables
- HTML List
- HTML Iframes
- HTML Style
- HTML Javascript
- HTML Forms
- HTML Elements
HTML5 Tutorial
HTML Media
HTML Iframes
You can display a webpage in another webpage by the help of an iframe.
iframe is defined by <iframe></iframe>.
Example of iframe
<html> <body> <iframe src="html.php" width="500" height="300"></iframe> </body> </html>
Result of the above Example
Attributes of iframe
- src:is the file name that is going to be loaded in iframe.
- name:is used to indentify the iframe.
- frameborder:is used to show border of iframe.It can take "1" as a value to show border or "0" to hide border.
- marginheight:is used to specify the height of the space between the left and right of the frame's borders and the frame's content(eg.marginheight="20")
- marginwidth:is used to specify the width of the space between the left and right of the frame's borders and the frame's content(eg.marginwidth="20")
- scrolling:is used to scroll the iframe.It takes values "yes" to scroll the iframe,"no" not scroll the iframe and "auto" to automatically do scroll or do not scroll as per the requirement.
- noresize:To prevent the iframe from resizing (eg.resize="noresize").
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