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Wynter Panelist - A Low-Key Side Hustle

Last Updated On Sunday, Apr 9, 2023 | Written By - Mudit Jain

Productivity Tool

Wynter Panelist - A Low-Key Side Hustle

A little extra money does not harm anyone. Whether you are saving for a new car, planning a vacation, or saving some money for the rainy days, some extra money can go a long way.

Your Day job may be enough to pay the bills but at end of the month, you are left with nothing to spend on your hobbies and interests.

So, If you want to save some extra money while learning some cool stuff then becoming a research panelist might just be the option for you.

It is a side hustle that takes very little time and pays handsomely. All you have to do is answer some questions in a survey and get paid for it.

There are many companies you can join as a research panelist but if you are looking for a company that is used by many industry-leading businesses to improve their marketing and product messaging then Wynter is one of the best options for you.

Wynter is a buyer intelligence tool that has its own B2B research panel.

Wynter is recruiting professionals from all fields and industries to join its panel. All you have to do is answer some questions in a survey that matches your professional experience and get compensated for it. You can choose to be part of the study if it's convenient for you.

It takes around 5-15 min to be part of one test, super low key time commitment. You can get paid around $10-$50 depending on the length and requested audience criteria.

Apart from the money, you get to learn what new advancements are going on in your industry, what people in your industry are testing and working on.

What Exactly Is A Research Panel ?

A research panel is a component of market research. Market research is a process used by companies to investigate what their target audience wants and the feedback obtained is used to build a product or service that precisely fits the customer’s needs.

Some companies directly ask their customers for feedback and suggestions while others use research panels.

A research panel is a customizable survey that allows the companies to get feedback from selected panelists.

The panelists are usually the same people as the target audience. Panelists for a research panel are recruited online based on their profession, industry, age, gender, or any other factor.

A questionnaire is sent to the selected panelists and the feedback received from the panel is used to improve or modify the product. For example, You want to launch an ad campaign but are not sure how the campaign will be perceived by the audience.

You do not want to put so much time and money into something only to find out that it’s a flop.

So what you do is before launching the campaign you put it in front of a research panel consisting of the very audience you are targeting and learn what will be the reaction of your target audience.

Now that you know what is a research panel, let’s see what is Wynter and how is it different from other companies.

What Is Wynter ?

Wynter Panelist

Wynter is a messaging research tool. It is a tool that helps businesses understand the problems in their product’s messaging by putting it in front of the very audience you are marketing to.

Its panel is known for being the most accurate and fast B2B panel. It can deliver the insights within two days.

Wynter has a unique B2B panel that consists of professionals recruited from various industries associations, media sites, and online communities.

Its panel can give experienced insights into complex business matters. All the members in the panel are verified through LinkedIn. The panelists get paid based on which type of test they are participating in and the audience criteria requested by the client.

How Does Wynter Work For The Panelists ?

Wynter Panelist

First, you will need to sign up for Wynter by filling an onboarding survey. Once you are signed up, Wynter will inform you every time a client asks for panelists with your professional profile. You will be informed through Email on the status of your application.

Wynter’s B2B panelists are based on three levels:

  • Specialist level - HR, Sales, Marketing, software developers, etc.
  • Mid-level - Founders, IT managers, marketing directors, etc
  • Senior leadership - CEOs, CTOs, VPs, CMOs, CDOs.

You will be invited to give feedback on different advertisement campaigns, themes, websites, sales copy, etc. The survey will be relevant to your role because you will only be invited to a test when your professional profile fits the client’s requirement.

All the tests usually take 5-15 minutes and the payout rates depend on the tests, session length, and the audience criteria asked by the client.

The payout is around $10-$50 for each test. Details about the tests and payout rate are discussed later in the article. The payout also depends on your seniority level.

Types Of The Tests And Their Payout Rates :-

Wynter Panelist

A client can ask for the following tests:

  • Message testing
  • Preference testing
  • B2B customer research
  • Cold email testing
  • Value proposition testing

Message Testing

A company’s marketing message plays a huge role in converting people to customers. In this test, you will be shown an entire web page to evaluate the messaging.

The goal will be to understand what impresses the audience and what needs to be improved. You will be asked different questions regarding the web page.

The test usually takes 10-15 minutes and the payout rate is $20- $50 depending on the session length, and the audience criteria asked by the client.

Preference Testing

A preference test is conducted to find out which of the new proposition or creative is preferred by the target audience and why. In this test, you will be shown 2 – 6 creatives and you will have to select the one you prefer and state the reason behind it.

The test usually takes 5 – 10 minutes and the payout rate is $10- $30 depending on the session length, and the audience criteria asked by the client.

B2B Customer Research

This test is conducted to know what customers want, what difficulties they are facing, and how it can be improved. If the company knows what customers want then it can customize its products accordingly. In this test, you will be asked different multiple-choice and open-ended questions.

The test usually takes 10 – 20 minutes and the payout rate is $20- $50 depending on the session length, and the audience criteria asked by the client.

Cold Email Testing

This test is conducted to know what people like in the outbound email and what gets boring for them. This data is used to improve the pitch of the emails and improve the responses.

In this test, you will be shown a cold email and will be asked questions based on that.

The test usually takes 7 – 15 minutes and the payout rate is $10- $30 depending on the session length, and the audience criteria asked by the client.

Value Proposition Testing

Value proposition testing is conducted to get target audience insights on the Hero page i.e. the area at the top of the home page.

The objective is to know if the content is resonating with the audience or not. In this test, you will be shown a highlighted area and different questions will be asked about that.

The test usually takes 7 – 15 minutes and the payout rate is $10- $30 depending on the session length, and the audience criteria asked by the client.

Why Become A Panelist For Wynter?

  • It’s a low-key side hustle that pays you well for your efforts and also provides you an opportunity to give value to your industry with your skills and experience by helping companies write better copy.
  • It’s a very simple job, all you have to do is answer some questions in a survey.
  • It takes no more than 15 minutes to complete a survey and you can it whenever you want.
  • The survey is always based on your level of expertise so you can easily answer the questions.
  • You get to know what people from your industry are testing and doing.
  • Conclusion :-

    Many businesses use research panels to get insights about their products and services. It plays a crucial in the development of a business.

    You can become a research panelist for Wynter to have a low-key side hustle and also earn some extra money. It compensates you for every survey test you participate in.

    Wynter has a unique B2B panel that consists of professionals from different industries. Wynter has helped many companies to improve their messaging. By being a part of Wynter’s panel you can use your skills and experience to help businesses do better.