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How Data Science Is Shaping The Future Of MarketingIn today's digital age, data science has emerged as a powerful force that is reshaping the field of marketing. With the vast amount of data generated daily, businesses are realizing the importance of ...

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 10 Jul 2023

What To Put On A Business CardDigital marketing is becoming increasingly popular as people spend more time using the internet to research local businesses....

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023

Influencer Trends Expected In 2022 What To ExpectInfluencer marketing allows marketers reach consumers effectively. It increases the sale and the popularity of the product/companies for short term results. More than 39 percent marketers rely on sole...

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023

Pros and Cons of Localization OutsourcingMany businesses have to localize their products or websites. Depending on the scale of your business, you can choose between hiring your own translators or outsourcing them. ...

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023

How To Sell Like A Pro In A Rough EconomyThere is no doubt that 2020 has been tough. Many companies have cut back, employees are uncertain about their income, and purchase decision makers are holding off from making essential purchases. But ...

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023

Best marketing tools for your business in 2019In the year 2019, it's time to recognize the latest trends among new marketing tools. Marketing continues to change and what worked in 2014 may not work in 2019. Be in the trend and get a competitive ...

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023

The Process of programmatic buying RTB explainedAlmost every newbie in marketing often refers RTB (Real Time Bidding) with programmatic, but is it absolutely true? Read our article and get clear explanation of all that stuff and why you need to use...

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023

3 High Demand Marketing Career Specializations to Consider in 2019Media and journalism have undergone countless changes in the recent past, but the need for effective marketing is eternal. In 2018, we saw a marked contraction in the numbers of working public relatio...

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023

Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2019Digital marketing is a very critical part of the modern business environment. It is also developing quickly with new tools and technologies emerging every day. It is thus no longer enough to keep pace...

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023

How Businesses Are Utilizing Influencer MarketingHistorically, if you wanted to advertise your company or get a brand name into the public eye you would advertise through media outlets. Newspaper, radio and TV were seen as an advertising safe haven....

Tags - Marketing | Published On - 9 Apr 2023