Read And Delete File From Folder Using PHP
Last Updated : Jul 1, 2023
In this tutorial we will show you how to read and delete file from folder using PHP. Using this method you can display all the files present in folder and delete any type of file using PHP.
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To Read And Delete File From Folder It Takes Only Two Steps:-
- Make a PHP file to read file from folder
- Make a PHP file to delete file from folder
Step 1. Make a PHP file to read file from folder
We make a PHP file and save it with a name read.php
<html> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="file_div"> <?php $folder = "images/"; if ($dir = opendir($folder)) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { echo "<p>".$file."</p>"; echo "<form method='post' action='delete_file.php'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='file_name' value='".$file."'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='delete_file' value='Delete File'>"; echo "</form>"; } closedir($dir); } ?> </div> </div> </body> </html>
In this step we read all the files from images folder and create a delete button for each file to
delete that file from folder.
We use opendir() function to open the folder for file reading and then use while() loop and readdir() function to read all the files and then we use closedir() function to close the directory.
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Step 2. Make a PHP file to delete file from folder
We make a PHP file and save it with a name delete_file.php
<?php if(isset($_POST['delete_file'])) { $filename = $_POST['file_name']; unlink('images/'.$filename); } ?>
In this step we get the file name and use php unlink() function to delete that file from folder.
That's all, this is how to read and delete file from folder using PHP. You can customize this code further as per your requirement. And please feel free to give comments on this tutorial.
I hope this tutorial on read file from folder and delete file from folder using PHP helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.