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Create Floating Navigation Menu Using HTML And CSSFloating navigation menu is a fixed menu which is generally placed in top or left side of the webpage.Floating navigation menu is used to show webpage navigation menu everytime even in scrolling thi...

Tags - HTML,CSS | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Create Fancy Animated Buttons Using CSS3In this tutorial we will show you how to create fancy animated buttons using CSS3.We will create round buttons, shrinking buttons, bouncy buttons, expanding buttons, zoom buttons, shaking buttons et...

Tags - CSS3,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Create Responsive Contact Form Using HTML And CSSResponsive UI is always a better option instead of regular fixed width UI because there are now wide variety of screen size available and to create a fixed width webpage for every screen size is a n...

Tags - HTML,CSS | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Validate Email And Password Using jQueryValidation is always important for both website security and user personal data you have to validate each and every user entered data for eg check user email on form submission whether email is vali...

Tags - jQuery,HTML,CSS | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Upload Image From URL Using PHPIn this tutorial we will show you how to upload an image from url using PHP.You have to enter complete url of image which ends like file.jpg or any image extension and your image will be uploaded.Yo...

Tags - PHP,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Enable And Disable Keyboard Keys Using JavaScriptIn this tutorial we will show you how to enable and disable keyboard keys using JavaScript.User can disable and enable all the typing keys on keyboard by clicking on enable and disable buttons...

Tags - JavaScript,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Block User From Visiting Website Using PHPSometimes there are some user in a website who try to break website policies, not doing things as per website guidelines, post malicious data in website, put comment on website that harm website ima...

Tags - PHP,MySQL,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Encode And Decode URL Using PHPIn this tutorial we will show you how to encode and decode url using PHP.Encoding and decoding is required before sending and after sending the url to replace some special characters from url...

Tags - PHP,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Generate Barcode Using PHPA barcode is an optical, machine-readable, representation of data, the data usually describes something about the object that carries the barcode.Barcodes is used to store any kind of data of any ob...

Tags - PHP,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23

Convert HTML To PDF Using PHPIn this tutorial we will show you how to convert HTML to PDF using PHP with the help of DOMPDF library.Using this method you can convert HTML into PDF with inline styling support.You can also downlo...

Tags - PHP,HTML | Published On - 1 Jul 23