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PHP Operators

PHP has many types of operators for different purpose.Operators are used to perform some operations between variables

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are those operators which are used to perform operations between generally numeric values.

+It is called Addition Operator it is used to add two or more variables. For eg. $x+$y.
-It is called Subtraction Operator it is used to get the difference of the two or more variables. For eg. $x-$y.
*It is called Multiplication Operator it is used to get the product of two or more variables. For eg. $x*$y.
/It is called Division Operator it is used to get the quotient of two or more variables. For eg. $x/$y.
%It is called Modulus Operator it is used to get the remainder of two or more variables. For eg. $x%$y.
$x++It is called Post-Increment Operator it is used to return $x then increase the variable value by 1
$x--It is called Post-Decrement Operator it is used to return $x then decrease the variable value by 1
++$xIt is called Pre-Increment Operator it is used to increase the variable value by 1 then return $x
--$xIt is called Pre-Decrement Operator it is used to decrease the variable value by 1 then return $x

Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are those operators which are used to set values to a variables.

$x=$yIt is used to to asign the values to the variable. For eg. $x=100;
$x+=$yIt is same as $x=$x+$y
$x-=$yIt is same as $x=$x-$y
$x*=$yIt is same as $x=$x*$y
$x/=$yIt is same as $x=$x/*$y
$x%=$yIt is same as $x=$x%$y

Comparison Operators

Cmparison operators are those operators which are used to compare two values.

$x==$yIt is called Equal Operator it returns true if $x is equal to $y
$x===$yIt is called Identical Operator it returns true if $x is equal to $y with same data type.
$x!=$yIt is called Not Equal Operator it returns true if $x is not equal to $y.
>It is called Greater Than Operator it returns true if $x is greater than $y.
<It is called Less Than Operator it returns true if $x is less than $y.
>=It is called Greater Than or Equal To Operator it returns true if $x is greater than or equal to $y.
<=It is called Less Than or Equal To Operator it returns true if $x is less than or equal to $y.

Logical Operators

Logical operators are those operators which are used to combine conditional statements.

$x and $yIt is same as $x && $y. It is called And Operator it returns true if $x and $y are true
$x or $yIt is same as $x || $y. It is called Or Operator it returns true if one of then is true.
$x xor $yIt is called Xor Equal Operator it returns true if only one of then is true,Not both.
!$xIt is called Not Operator it returns true if $x is not true.

Some More Operators

$x . $yIt is called Concatenation Operator it is used to concatenate two or more variables.
$x .= $yIt is called Concatenation Assignment Operator it is used to concatenate it appends the value of $y to $x.
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