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The Ultimate Guide To Secure Coding Practices For Software Developers

Last Updated On Tuesday, Aug 22, 2023 | Written By - Mudit Jain

Software Developer

The Ultimate Guide To Secure Coding Practices For Software Developers

Today’s digital world comprises networks, devices, software, websites, web applications, etc., and securing each of them is vital to keep intruders away. A small security lapse in any of these digital networks can cause massive damage to the site owner/web developer.

This blog is all about software security and how secured coding practices can prevent a developer’s application from falling into the wrong hands.

So, without further ado, let us commence on this vital topic.

What is Secure Coding?

Secure coding/Secure programming as the name specifies refers to the high language used in writing the code for securing the same against hackers. Web developers use secure coding wherein the code is written by maintaining strict security standards and with the motto of preventing security lapses in the application.

Varied development tasks can be completed in multiple ways and with multiple levels of complexity.

Secure coding standards should be implemented by web developers which ensure that the software development process is secured in a foolproof manner.

This article is all about secure coding best practices that are easy to implement and which can help in creating vulnerabilities-free applications.

Secure Coding: Better Late than Never :-

A web publisher/developer is loaded with the responsibility of creating secured applications before placing them in the App Store. They also need to ensure that individuals/companies downloading their applications find them trustworthy, secure, and authentic.

The two ways to ensure application/software security are:

    Fix security lapses arising in the application before making it live, i.e., fix these vulnerabilities at the time of closure of the application development cycle. Write the code before the app release date to clear all the lapses beforehand.

    Ensure application security during all the stages of the app development process, i.e., from the beginning of creating the app to the final stage of launching the app. This will prevent the huge responsibility of cross-checking the security of the app during the time of releasing the app.

The second method is more promising since it can prevent intrusions at each app development stage.

Importance of Secure Coding :-

Digitalization has positively penetrated our lives. Online banking, financial transactions, healthcare data, etc. are all stored digitally and hence if their apps are unsecured, then they can cause financial damages, data thefts, and other grave fatalities.

Unsecured software is dangerous and hence all developers must be aware of its security and utilize secure coding practices before they place their app in the app store.

Best Secure Coding Practices :-

Secure coding practices include a variety of coding security solutions that help in securing your code against hackers. The best practices are mentioned below.

1. Input Validation

Input validation is a vital factor for ensuring code security since this programming technique ensures that the data entering the software is in a properly defined format.

The absence of input validation can pose a threat to your app since there is no control at the input stage and hackers are free to use multiple techniques to penetrate and compromise the app. This can cause a system crash or permit data modification which can be risky for the app.

Input validation check criteria include the length of data, characters, format, restricted types/symbols, etc. Ensure that input sources (trusted or not) need to be validated for code and app security.

2. Implementing Authentication & Password Management Strategies :-

The Ultimate Guide To Secure Coding Practices For Software Developers

Implementing authentication and password management strategies so that your app can be accessed by authorized personnel will help in securing your app and in making it less vulnerable.

To Eliminate Data Breaches

  • Use TLS/SSL (transport layer security/secure socket layer) certificates for business validation and for securing app data. You can go with a budget SSL or Buy a cheap SSL certificate from an authorized resellers like SSL shop or reputed certificate authorities to secure your app and its data with robust 256-bit encryption.
  • Use MFA (multi-factor authentication) and complex passwords.
  • Refrain from storing credentials within the app’s script.
  • Use generic error messages at the time of authorization failure so that hackers can’t resolve the same.

3. Implement the PoLP (Principle of Least Privilege) :-

Limiting access to software and its code can help prevent breaches because it minimizes the risk factor. This approach is useful in all the app development stages as well as in other cases where sensitive stuff needs to be accessed or communicated.

Each process should be handled with care and minimum access should be granted to keep it secured from prying eyes. If there is a need to give additional permissions, the same should be granted for a specified time only. Once the desired task is completed, access should be withdrawn for preventing security vulnerabilities.

  • Authenticating permissions as per request received.
  • Review the accesses and delete the unwanted ones to keep your software code secured.

4. Create a Unique & Secured App :-

Your app structure should be secured and unique to prevent unwanted intrusions. Plan your security strategies and create simple yet secured software by adding varied levels of accesses as well as securities.

Use secured plugins, directories, and other libraries for better code security.

5. Display an Impressive Software Architecture :-

An impressive yet effective software code can impress your audience and can enhance the download count. Portray the app features and benefits, and last but not least, highlight the security features.

Do not go for complex security solutions or complicated designs for your app. An easy design, user-friendly operating menus, and foolproof security can not only enhance your app's popularity but also keep your coding and software secured.

6. Deny Default Access :-

The Ultimate Guide To Secure Coding Practices For Software Developers

Developers should implement a “default deny” approach while configuring their app. This will help prevent app-sensitive data and keep it secured.

Granting access rights to reliable users as required and refraining from the same for new and unauthenticated users will go a long way in ensuring app security.

Rather than excluding rights to unwanted users, developers should implement permission-based access control for better app efficiency and security.

7. Create Multiple Layers of Security :-

The Ultimate Guide To Secure Coding Practices For Software Developers

Cybercriminals try varied ways for penetrating apps by breaking security barriers. Breaking a single security layer is easy, but if your app is secured with multiple layers of security, it is a tough call for them.

Secure each app code with multiple security layers like complex passwords, firewall, MFA, Assess Authorisation, Authentication checkers, etc. for robust security.

Configure these securities at all the app development stages, so that if an attacker is successful in penetrating the app, the authentication checkers will prevent them from accessing and causing damage.

8. Secure your App Data & Communication :-

You have worked hard on creating a unique and secure app. You have invested time and money in coding and in developing it.

Security Tips

  • Use encryption security to encrypt data-in-transit as well as data-in-storage by installing SSL/TLS certificates from a reliable SSL certificate provider. Keep an eye on their expiry dates and renew them instantly to prevent intrusions and security vulnerabilities.
  • Secure your database by granting read access rights to users rather than by giving modification rights.
  • Sign your code digitally by installing a Code Signing Certificate (buy it from a reliable Certificate Authority (CA)) before releasing the same. This will help gain user trust since the digital sign is a confirmation stating that the app is secure and authentic.
  • Timestamping your app serves as an additional layer of security since it preserves the digital signature placed on the app, even after the expiry of the code signing certificate. This displays the application as authentic and secure.

9. Maintain Code Quality and Follow the Coding Standards :-

To Err is Human, and attackers wait for you to make mistakes so that they can take advantage of such vulnerabilities.

  • Regular monitoring of the code, checking for security lapses, and scanning the same for penetrations can help in preventing intrusions.
  • Use penetration testing tools and threat modeling to spot weaknesses and mitigate the risk of breaches.
  • Implement timely patch processes by releasing security updates to seal the security loopholes.

Conclusion :-

If threats are not addressed on time, they can create a catastrophe and damage your business and reputation. This irrecoverable damage can be prevented by developing and delivering secured software.

Ensuring 100% software security is impossible, but we can try to create strong security barriers to mitigate the risk of cyber threats and intruders.

Integrate the above-stated tips to secure your applications and software from these digital attacks, and gain customer trust by safeguarding their data to strengthen your digital empire.

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