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How To Secure Your Web Browser In 5 Easy Steps

Last Updated On Sunday, Apr 9, 2023 | Written By - Mudit Jain


How To Secure Your Web Browser In 5 Easy Steps

If your web browser is unpatched, you are an easy target for malware. Don’t forget that the internet is crawling with malware and every day, you could be accessing thousands of malicious URLs. Most of these URLs have compromised even the most legitimate sites. That means you are not safe even if you think you are. You need to take the necessary measures to protect your browser whenever you are on the internet. Here is what you need to do to secure your browser in 5 easy steps.

1. Block Third-Party Cookies :-

Cybercriminals have been known to exploit cookies for their own malicious intent. You can’t dismiss cookies altogether because they are integral to your internet usage. You don’t have the option of turning them off completely. However, you should change your browser settings to block any third-party cookies. Make sure your browser gives you a notification before storing cookies and turn off automatic storage for the best results.

2. Don’t Use Autofill Feature :-

Whenever you’re on the internet, make sure turn off the autofill feature. Note that, it saves your information and keystrokes of anything you have typed recently. Therefore, if you recently searched anything or visiting specific websites, it will be stored somewhere. Well, it can turn disastrous if it saves your financial information and auto-fills it whenever you put it in a particular website. Therefore, check your browser settings and turn off the auto-fill option for the best results.

3. Choose Which Add-Ons You Need :-

Most browsers always come with add-ons but you need to be careful with which ones you choose. That’s because add-ons have been known to keep malware and increase the possibilities of attacks on your website. You need to check the settings of your browsers to make sure they don’t install the add-ons without a notification. If your computer security comes with add-ons for your browser, you shouldn’t disable them.

4. Turn On The Content Filter :-

The most popular browsers have a database of malware sites to protect yours from the common and popular sites. Therefore, if you are on the internet, make sure the content filters are turned on to prevent an attack from any of the known malware sites

5. Turn On The Popup Blockers :-

Popups are very annoying but they are bound to embed malware into your browser. Also, you might be lured to click on various malware sites with the numerous engineering tricks. Whichever browser you are using, make sure the popup blockers are always turned on to prevent this.

Other Ways To Keep Your Browser Secure When You’re Online :-

  • Always Keep Your Browser Updated - Make sure you look for the latest version of your browser and update it. You can turn on automatic updates to make sure it’s always fresh. Stay away from the outdated web browsers like Safari or Internet Explorer but you can try Firefox and Chrome for the best results.
  • Turn On The Click-To-Play Plug-ins - Here, your pages will load very fast and you can save a lot of CPU cycles and battery power. There are also some additional security benefits. For instance, any malicious third parties will not exploit the flaws in your browser plug-ins behind the curtains. That’s because the plug-in will load when there’s a sufficient reason for it.
  • Remove The Unnecessary Plug-Ins - Look at all the plug-ins installed in your web browser and remove those you don’t need. For instance, Java is very dangerous and a few websites use it. Therefore, you don’t need it unless it’s important for the sites you’re visiting. If you’re not sure about a particular plug-in, you can do your research online to find out whether it’s important then uninstall it.
  • Update The Plug-ins - Whatever browser plug-ins you choose to keep, make sure they are updated too. You can turn them on to make sure they are updated automatically. For instance, the Adobe Flash plug-in, you can leave it for automatic updated. Chrome, for example, always updates its own Flash copy automatically but any other ones need to be updated regularly.
  • Settle For A 64-bit Web Browser - This means you have a better protection against all the attacks likely to happen to your browser, especially if you are using the same version for your Windows. Try the Chrome version for the best protection.
  • Run An Anti-Exploit Program - These programs strengthen your web browser against some types of attacks. Antivirus programs will blacklist specific types of programs but the anti-exploit program will prevent some unusual behavior from happening. Note that, your antivirus is reliable, especially whenever you are on the internet but it’s not entirely reliable but adding this program works perfectly for you.
  • Be Cautious With Browser Extensions - They are amazing and powerful tools you can use to customize your web and browser. Also, they can be dangerous. For instance, if you settle for rogue extensions, there will be advertisements on the pages you are using, they might also capture keystrokes and track your overall browsing activity among many other things. Therefore, you can limit browser extensions you are using allowing your browser to perform much better.
  • Use HTTPS - Whenever you are on the internet, look for those sites with HTTPS in the URL, especially if you are going on a site where you will be providing sensitive information. Nowadays, Google warns you whenever you are visiting a site without HTTPS in the URL, something referred to as an SSL certificate. Note that, if you are providing your financial information, the SSL certificate will secure your credit cards, contact information and any personal data.
  • Choose Secure Passwords - You might be looking for a password that’s easy to remember but you need to make it secure if you want to prevent any attacks online. Don’t use simple passwords such as your name, social security number or your pet’s name. Choose a long password with special characters, letters and numbers. Whatever you do, avoid using your birthday as your password because it’s easy to guess.

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