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jQuery Ajax Load

It is very easy to load the data with jQuery Ajax by its simple method of load()

Syntax of load()


Code Explanation

  • URL:it is used to send and load data from a particular URL.
  • data:it is an optional parameter it is used to specify which kind of data you send and load.
  • callback:it is an optional parameter it is used to give the function that is executed after the process is complete.

Example of Ajax load()


They are some general callback functions

  • responseTxt: contains the resulting content if the call succeeds
  • statusTxt: contains the status of the call
  • xhr: contains the XMLHttpRequest object

Example of Ajax load() with callback


jQuery Ajax json

You can also load json data

Syntax of getJSON()


Code Explanation

  • URL:it is used to send and load data from a particular URL.
  • data:it is an optional parameter it is used to specify which kind of data you send and load.
  • callback:it is an optional parameter it is used to give the function that is executed after the process is complete.

Example of Ajax getJSON()

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