WordPress Get Page URL By Slug
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - WordPress | Written & Updated By - Amruta
In this article we will show you the solution of WordPress get page URL by slug, with a post ID or even a post object, we can utilize WordPress's get permalink() function to obtain any URL.
Using additional helper functions, it is possible to obtain the page link using the slug or title of that page. If you don't know the exact ID for a URL, you can identify it by its slug.
In this instance, get page by path() and get page by title are the two necessary helpers().
The first function used the slug, while the second used the title, and both returned a post object. Pages and articles on WordPress can be accessed using the WordPress slug.
For instance, the slug for a post with the title "Hello" would be "/hello". WordPress implements this in order to aid SEO by using URLs that are readable by humans.
This idea is crucial when using WordPress because you may like to link with pages using their right slug.
It should be noted that this guide makes the assumption that you are creating custom WordPress functionality to use a theme or plugin and that you have some knowledge of PHP.
The title, headers, body text, picture alt text, meta description, and even the URL are all places where search engines examine when they crawl a web page for hints about what the content is about.
Step By Step Guide On WordPress Get Page URL By Slug :-
- Then, you must install and activate the Personalized Permalinks plugin.
- Every child page we want to update must be edited after activation. You can modify the child page URL by clicking the link under the page title.
- The placeholder box will show the default URL of your page. You must click on a custom URL and enter it in order to use it for your child page.
- To save your URL changes, don't forget to just save your page.
- After you've saved your modifications, you can click the see page button to see the URL of your child page without the parent page slug.
- We trust that this post has shown you how to change the URL of a child page in WordPress to eliminate the parent page slug. You might also be interested in finding the best way to buy a domain name or browsing our selection of the top WordPress plugins for drag-and-drop page builders.
Conclusion :-
One of the first things search engines crawl are URLs. Because of these factors, increasing your on-page SEO requires you to optimize your URLs.
The first impressions of your visitors are also influenced by URLs. Long URLs or strings of random digits and letters are perceived as less reliable than URLs that provide information about the page.
The URL slug is usually at blame in this situation.
I hope this article on WordPress get page URL by slug helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.