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WordPress Change Page Content Dynamically

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

WordPress Change Page Content Dynamically

In this article we will show you the solution of WordPress change page content dynamically, static content prevents changes to what you view on the front-end.

In fact, if you wish to make any modifications to it, you will probably require a developer's assistance.

Yet, website owners can instantaneously edit any part of the back-end with dynamic content without writing any code.

It implies that the data may adapt to the user's point of view, making the experience considerably more engaging.

Even though it sounds like a fairytale, each user's experience on your WordPress website might be different.

It is sufficient to be using dynamic content rather than many versions to personalize the website for each visitor.

First and first, you must comprehend static content in order to fully grasp the concept of dynamic content.

Keep in mind the older websites you visited; in all likelihood, they could not even adjust for screen width, requiring you to scroll sideways to read.

These pages' content remained static as well, there was just one text and one image for every single visitor, similar to a painting inside a gallery.

This, to put it simply, is stagnant content. Dynamic content evolves and modifies. If dynamic content was enabled on the website, different users will experience the same web page in a different way.

The website will display different information and alert visitors to any bids or offers that are currently in progress as well as provide them with a thorough breakdown of the number of people who are watching that item if more people are viewing it or have made a bid.

The purpose of this is to elicit a sense of urgency, that can boost sales and propel the market for just any particular good.

Step By Step Guide On Wordpress Change Page Content Dynamically :-

Code for functions.php

    $post_information = array(
      'post_title' => $_POST['postTitle'] ,
      'post_content' => $_POST['postContent'],
      'post_type' => 'page',
      'post_status' => 'pending'
 $post_id = wp_insert_post( $post_information );
 if ( $post_id ) {
      wp_redirect( home_url() );// Here give your thank you page url.
  1. You must connect into your WordPress admin account first. the dashboard for your admin after logging in.WordPress Change Page Content Dynamically
  2. After successfully completing the first step, you must then build a dynamic page within your currently active theme.
  3. A good example is WordPress (Your Project Name)->Appearance->themes->twentytwenty (Your Activated Theme)-> Make a file called Ex. Custome-page.php and place the following code in it.WordPress Change Page Content DynamicallyWordPress Change Page Content Dynamically
  4. Once the second step has been completed, you must next use the admin dashboard to build a page.
  5. Choose your template and web page from the template choice on the fourth step webpage you made here.
  6. All you have to do in this stage is publish the page and view it from the front.
  7. I'll explain how and where to store dynamic website info in a database in the final phase.WordPress Change Page Content Dynamically
  8. Navigate to WordPress (You Project Name) > wp-content > themes > twentytwenty (Ones Activate Theme) > function.php, and just insert the code provided below.WordPress Change Page Content Dynamically

Conclusion :-

Web material that is interactive and varies based on the user, time, and place is referred to as dynamic content.

Depending on the page a user is on when navigating a dynamic website, WordPress will extract the appropriate data from the database and display it to a user.

I hope this article on WordPress change page content dynamically helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Riya

A recent graduate with a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science from India. She is passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems. With a strong foundation and experience in programming languages such as Python, Django, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, java, php and have honed her skills through hands-on projects and coursework.

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