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window.location.href jQuery

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

window.location.href jQuery

In this article we will show you the solution of window.location.href jQuery, the domain name or web address of a company website may occasionally change.

However, you'll attempt to log in there if you just have knowledge of the prior version of the website, isn't that right? Consider that you wish to go to

However, had sadly become the new address. Your browser will immediately reroute you to the website's current address.

There are numerous methods for redirecting a web page using JavaScript.

The various techniques for rerouting a web page are listed in this article. Now move to the concept of window.location.href in jquery.

Step By Step Guide On window.location.href jQuery :-

Taking a user to a new place is what is meant by redirecting a web page.

A lot of websites utilise redirects for a variety of purposes, including Some websites switch visitors from the previous domain to the new one, while others switch users through one page to another, perhaps one that is more pertinent.

SendRedirect and Forward techniques are used in web applications to reroute users, thus if you’re a Java programmer and have experience with Servlet and JSP, you may be familiar with them.

Redirecting can be done in two ways: server-side and client-side. While a client-side redirect is initiated by the client code, a server-side redirect is started by the server.

A client-side redirection is when a web page is changed using JavaScript and JQuery.

To make a page redirect, only utilise the JavaScript window.location property; jQuery is not required.

The syntax window.location.replace("page url") can be used to instantly reroute the user from one page to another.

The advantage in this situation is that the replace() technique avoids the user from being routed towards the destination page again since it does not will save originating page inside the session history.

As a result, the user cannot access it using the browser's back button.

How to use JavaScript to reroute a website

Let's first discover well how redirect the web page using standard JavaScript before we examine the jQuery code.

It offers a number of straightforward methods to complete this work without requiring the loading of an external Javascript like jQuery.

1. Redirection using window.location.href of Javascript

The simplest method of redirecting a URL with JavaScript is to simply change the window's href attribute.location thing.

This duplicates the process of entering a new page normally. Simply assigning a new URL is the easiest task I can think of.

It's important to remember that window.location.href sometimes makes a call to the server and sometimes loads the page from the browser's cache.

Therefore, this will redirect to that page rather than loading a new one from the server if you have an outdated version of a page accessible in the cache.

2. Using the replace() function for redirection

To use the replace() method of a window.location object is another approach to use jQuery's redirection feature to go to a certain web page.

With this technique, the current URL is replaced with a new URL and removed from the history.

If you want simply redirect to such a new page and prevent the user from using the back button to return to the previous page, use the replace() method.

3. Using the window assign() function, redirection

JavaScript's window.location.assign() technique can also be used to reroute a web page.

This function, unlike replace(), adds an additional URL to the previous stack and redirects to the new URL, allowing you to click the back button to return to the initial document.

If you want to let the user utilise the back button to return to the original document, just use assign() method for redirection.

4. Use of the navigate function for redirection

This feature is equivalent to window.location="url" and it gets a page from the cache rather than just simply accessing it directly from the server.

How to use jQuery to redirect a web page

With just single line of code, you may also redirecting the web page to some other URL using the jQuery API.

Even if this is not the best approach to use jQuery, since everyone uses it differently in some kind of a web project, still is sensible to take advantage of it for whatever function we can.

Using JavaScript's attr() as opposed to window.location.href has a small difference.

Window.location.href serves pages from the cache whereas $(location).attr('href', url) requests a new page from the server.

      <title>How to redirect a webpage using jQuery</title>
      <h2>Redirecting to another URL ..</h2>
      <script src=""></script>
         $(document).ready(function() {
          var url = "";
  1. With the aid of HTML & HEAD tags, we begin our coding.
  2. Following that, we give our page's title.
  3. Next, we begin writing the actual code.
  4. Next, we use script to import the jQuery library.
  5. We then begin our script.
  6. After that, we run the jQuery code using the ready() method.
  7. Next, we give the website's url that we want to redirect.
  8. Next, we employ location.
  9. With the SCRIPT, BODY, and HTML elements, we finish our code.

Conclusion :-

As a result, we were able to learn about window.locatio.href in jQuery. We also learned how to use JavaScript and jQuery to redirecting a web request to a different web page.

As you can see, there are several techniques to divert traffic, but each one differs slightly.

For example (location). Javascript's window.location.href fetches pages from cache, whereas jQuery's attr('href', url) call opens a new page from the server.

I hope this article on window.location.href jQuery helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Ashish

Ashish is a dynamic and motivated individual with a passion of programming and an experienced programmer having 3+ years of experience in various languages like Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and various frameworks like Bootstrap

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