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Remove Vowels From String In Python

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Remove Vowels From String In Python

In this article we will show you the solution of remove vowels from string in python, in many facets of computer science, the activity of text processing is crucial. Vowels are frequently omitted when handling text strings.

The 'a,' 'e,' 'i,' 'o,' and 'u' vowels are identified by this program as being present in an input string and are deleted.

Python has a variety of techniques for eliminating vowels from strings. It is simple to identify whether a character in the input text is a vowel or not by going over each one individually.

Vowels can be searched for and eliminated from the output string. To accomplish this, combine if statements with string concatenations.

Step By Step Guide On Remove Vowels From String In Python :-

def remove_vowels(string):
    vowels = 'aeiouAEIOU'
    result = ""
    for char in string:
        if char not in vowels:
            result += char
    return result
input_strings = ['talkerscode', 'talkersmoney', 'talkerstech']
for string in input_strings:
    print(f"Original string: {string}")
    modified_string = remove_vowels(string)
    print(f"String without vowels: {modified_string}")
  1. The remove_vowels method is defined using a single parameter string.
  2. This parameter represents the input string that will have vowels removed.
  3. A string variable called vowels is what we use to define it.
  4. It comprises both lowercase and uppercase vowels.
  5. The characters from the input string that will be eliminated are those.
  6. To save the final string free of vowels, we construct a string with no characters variable called the result.
  7. Starting with the character, a loop that iterates over all of the characters in the input string, string, is started.
  8. An if statement in the loop is used to determine whether the current character, char, is a member of the vowel string.
  9. If the character is not a vowel, the += operator is used to concatenate it to the output string.
  10. The loop ends after all of the letters in the input string have been processed, and the resultant, vowel-free text is saved in the result variable.
  11. We return the result string from the remove_vowels function.
  12. Then, we create a list of input strings called input_strings that contains the words "talkerscode," "talkersmoney," and "talkerstech."
  13. Starting from the input_strings collection, a loop iterates through each string.
  14. We output the original string (f"We have the original string: string") within the loop using the print function and string formatting.
  15. The current string is used as an argument for the remove_vowels function, and the output is saved in the modified_string variable.
  16. In order to produce the final string without vowels, we need both the print function and string formatting (f"The string without vowels is: modified_string").
  17. We print one line that is blank to make it easier to read.
  18. Once all strings have been processed, the loop moves on to the following string in input_strings and repeats the process.

Conclusion :-

As a result, we now know how to successfully remove vowels from strings in Python.

We also found that we could create a new string without vowels by repeatedly iterating through each character in the input string while removing them.

I hope this article on remove vowels from string in python helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Dikshita

Passionate Electronics and Communication Engineering student with expertise in web development (HTML, CSS, JS,PHP, Bootstrap, React.js) and content writing. Eager problem solver and tech enthusiast, adept at creating engaging web experiences.

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