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Remove Item From Array JavaScript

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Remove Item From Array JavaScript

In this tutorial we will show you the solution of remove item from array JavaScript, there are many ways to help of which we can remove items from an array using JavaScript.

So, let us first see the ways with help of which we can remove items from an array using JavaScript.

Step By Step Guide On Remove Item From Array JavaScript :-

Mainly there are three ways with help of which we can remove an array of items. First, let us see the ways and after that, we will discuss them one by one.

  • Remove JavaScript items from the array with help of the splice() method.
  • Remove JavaScript items from the array with help of the pop() method.
  • Remove JavaScript items from the array with help of the filter() method.

In this article, we are going to understand the first way is with the help of the splice() function. Whereas the Remaining will be discussed in the next session.

So, let us see the codes given below to see how to use splice() to remove items from an array using JavaScript. But before that let us see the syntax of JavaScript.

Array.splice(index, count, items1, ... , item)
function func() {
    var arrays = ["red", "blue", "green", "black"];
    var response = arrays.splice(0, 1);
  1. Here, above we show you an example in JavaScript.
  2. For this first of all we here create a basic structure of HTML. For this, we use HTML, head, title, and body with a script tag. We hope you know about the basic structure of HTML and which HTML tag is used for which concept.
  3. JavaScript is written always inside the script tag. Where the script is a paired tag so it also has a closing tag. Now inside these script tags, we write our JavaScript code.
  4. Here, above we see the first syntax and then the example. Whereas inside the syntax index and count are mandatory whereas the rest are optional.
  5. The index is used to give the index from which we have to remove items whereas the count is used to give the number of items that we want to remove. Now, let us use this syntax inside our example.
  6. Now, in our example, we see that we create items of the array. Now, we want to remove data red. So, we use the splice() function there. Inside the splice() function, 0 is given to the value of the index whereas 1 is given to counting.
  7. From here we want to say that splice() indexes from 0 index and we want to remove 1 value only. Hence, as a result, index, 0 will be removed and the rest will be shown or displayed with help of the console. You are also able to remove more than one item by increasing the values of count.

Conclusion :-

At last, in conclusion, here we can say that with the help of this article we can understand how to remove items from an array using JavaScript.

I hope this tutorial on remove item from array JavaScript helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Ashish

Ashish is a dynamic and motivated individual with a passion of programming and an experienced programmer having 3+ years of experience in various languages like Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and various frameworks like Bootstrap

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