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Python With Open File

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Python With Open File

In this article we will show you the solution of python with open file, file creation, writing, and reading functions are built into Python. Binary files and regular text files are the two file types that Python can handle.

The special letter EOL, which is Python's default new line character ('n'), is used to end lines of text in text files.

The default value for the EOF in CSV is a comma. There is no line terminator in a binary file, and data is stored after being translated into machine-understandable binary code, or formatted as 0 and 1.

An open file is one that has been prepared for reading or writing. The open() function can be used to accomplish this.

This function accepts two arguments—one for file name and the other for the mode—and return a file object (Access Mode). Now move to the concept of python with open file.

Step By Step Guide On Python With Open File :-

Access modes regulate the kinds of operations that can be carried out on a file that has been opened.

When the file is opened, it describes how it will be utilised. The File Handle location should be specified in these modes as well.

A file handle, like a cursor, specifies the location of data that has to be read from or written to the file.

If the file does not already exists within the exact same directory as that of the Python script, the whole file location must be entered. An error message stating that the file doesn't exist is produced if it doesn't.


File_object = open(r"File_Name", "Access_Mode")

Method - Opening a file in read mode in Python.

file1 = open("myfile.txt")
  1. Here, we create a Python programme to show you how to open a file.
  2. In this programme, we open the file in read-only mode using the open function and store a reference to it in the variable we declared.
  3. Following that, we read from that file.
  4. And finally, we employ the close() method. After the file action is finished, we must ensure that file will be correctly closed.

Method - Adding data to the existing file in Python

file1 = open("myfile.txt" , "a" )
file1.write("\nWriting to file:)" )
  1. Here, you can see how we created a Python programme to show how to open a file and add some data to an already-existing file.
  2. In this case, the open function is used to open the specific file in append mode that is located in the same directory.
  3. To use the open() function and the character an as the access mode, we can append some material to the end of the file. The new material will be appended so at finish of the file, where the pointer will be put.
  4. And save its reference in the variable we just made.
  5. The write function is then used to write to the file.
  6. After that, the file is closed using the close() method.

Conclusion :-

Thus, we have successfully mastered the Python with open file notion.

We also discovered that the data may be stored as text, csv, or binary files.

Python has built-in techniques to open a file, read its contents, and write its contents in to obtain data from such files.

I hope this article on python with open file helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Amruta

Amruta is an Experienced web developer with 4 years for experience she completed her master's with MCA and passionate about programming Languages for creating technical contents like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, jQuery.

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