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Python Wait For Input

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Python Wait For Input

In this article we will show you the solution of python wait for input, the input() function is the first and simplest way to tell a Python program to wait till the user presses a key.

It can be used as a built-in Python method to accept user input from the command line. We shall not take any values or assign them to any variables in this instance.

On occasion, we wish to solicit user feedback via the console. The input() function can be used to accomplish this.

Making a Python script wait for user input with the keyboard module is another technique we have at our disposal.

You must use pip to install this module because Python does not include it by default. Kind: pip In the command line, install the keyboard.

With the help of this module, the user may fully control the keyboard. Along with many other helpful techniques and functions, it listens for and sends keyboard events.

We will now discuss the idea of how to define the wait for input function in python with an example.

Step By Step Guide On Python Wait For Input :-

my_list = []
while True:
    user_input = input('TC enter a string ')
    if user_input == '':
        print('User pressed enter')
my_list = []
while True:
    user_input = input('TC enter a number')
    if user_input == '':
        print('User pressed enter')
    except ValueError:
        print('Invalid number.')
  1. In order to save the user inputs, my_list = [] generates an empty list.
  2. Until the break statement is used, the while loop begins and runs indefinitely.
  3. input = user_inputThe user is asked to enter a string, which is then saved in the user_input variable, using the command ('TC enter a string ').
  4. The if clause verifies whether the user_input contains an empty string. When this happens, the loop is terminated with the break statement.
  5. The user_input is added to the my_list list using my_list if it is not an empty string.append(user_input).
  6. Until the user enters an empty string, the loop loops back to step 3.
  7. The user's complete list of string inputs is shown via the function print(my_list).
  8. The second section of the code has a comparable structure but asks the user for numbers rather than texts.
  9. In the event that the user enters something that cannot be transformed into an integer, the try-except block is used to capture any ValueErrors.
  10. In the event of a ValueError, the loop restarts and the message "Invalid number." is produced.
  11. Until the user enters an empty string, any input that can be converted to an integer is added to the my_list list.
  12. The user's final list of integer inputs is displayed via print(my_list).

Conclusion :-

As a result, we have successfully learned how to define the wait for input function in python with an example.

The easiest and most practical method is method 1, which uses the input method, in which you can simply press any key to continue the program without importing any modules or capturing while decoding the key binding.

I hope this article on python wait for input helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Pragati

Experienced coding content writer who enjoys breaking down complex concepts in programming languages like Java, Python, C, and C++. Over three years of experience producing interesting and relevant content for a variety of entities. Committed to providing concise and easy-to-understand articles that assist readers in easily understanding technology and industry trends in the world of coding and software development.

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