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Python Rename All Files In Directory

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Python Rename All Files In Directory

In this article we will show you the solution of python rename all files in directory, Python requires iterating through every record in the directory & applying the necessary renaming logic which will rename all documents within the listing.

Utilizing the os module to get entry to record system capabilities is one approach. os.listdir() retrieves a list of the files inside the listing after placing the modern listing using os.chdir().

New names can be produced using string manipulation or regular expressions by repeatedly iterating over each file.

By passing the old and new names as parameters, the os.rename() function enables file renaming.

To ensure efficient execution, handling exceptions and error-checking is essential. Now move to the concept of python rename all files in directory.

Step By Step Guide On Python Rename All Files In Directory :-

import os
def rename_files(directory, prefix):
    files = os.listdir()
    for file in files:
        if os.path.isfile(file): # Check if it's a file, not a directory
            new_name = prefix + file # Generate the new name
            os.rename(file, new_name) # Rename the file
directory_path = '/path/to/directory' # Specify the directory path
new_prefix = 'new_' # Specify the new prefix
rename_files(directory_path, new_prefix)
  1. The essential module os, which offers tools for interfacing with the operating system, is first imported.
  2. We can use this module to operate on the file system.
  3. The rename_files method is then defined. It takes two arguments: directory and prefix.
  4. This function will rename all documents inside the provided directory through prefixing each document name with the supplied prefix.
  5. We use os.Chdir(directory) within the code to alternate the contemporary operating listing to the supplied directory.
  6. In this level, we ensure that we're making use of the suitable directory.
  7. Then we name os.Listdir() to get a list of all the files and folders in the present day directory.
  8. As a result, we are given a list of all of the files in the listing we asked.
  9. To iterate through the files listing, we use a loop.
  10. Using os.Path.Isfile(file), we check every item to determine if it's far a file (in place of a directory).
  11. This test guarantees that when we adjust the names of files, we do now not alternate the names of directories.
  12. If the object is a file, the supplied prefix is connected to the present document name to shape the brand new call.
  13. The variable new_name holds the final new call.
  14. After that, the file is renamed with the os.Rename(file, new_name) function. This characteristic uses two arguments to rename a report: the preceding call (document) and the new name (new_name).
  15. This function requires the directory_path and new_prefix variables, which we will supply.
  16. These variables, which imply the direction to the directory we want to update and the prefix we need to add to the file names, should be detailed primarily based on our character wishes.
  17. After we've got mounted the characteristic and the applicable values, we call rename_files(directory_path, new_prefix) to complete the renaming process, which provides the needed prefix to all of the documents inside the certain directory.

Conclusion :-

As a result, we understood the Python concept of renaming all documents in a listing.

We also located that the os module can be used to get entry to document device sports as a way to try this operation.

Iterating through each record in the directory generates new names, which are then used to rename the documents with the os.rename() characteristic.

Error-checking and exception-managing are essential for ensuring green execution.

I hope this article on python rename all files in directory helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Amruta

Amruta is an Experienced web developer with 4 years for experience she completed her master's with MCA and passionate about programming Languages for creating technical contents like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, jQuery.

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