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Python List Of Lists

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Python List Of Lists

In this article we will show you the solution of python list of lists, a useful data structure in Python called a list of lists enables you to store many lists inside of one list. It offers a technique to systematically organize and work with data.

The two-dimensional structure of the main list is made up of each element, each of which is a distinct list.

When displaying a grid or matrix, storing tabular data, or building complicated data structures, the list of lists is frequently utilized.

It provides versatility because the sublist’s lengths and sorts of material can vary.

Using indexing & slicing techniques, you may effectively access and edit specific elements thanks to this structure. Now move to the concept of python list of lists.

Step By Step Guide On Python List Of Lists :-

# Creating a list of lists
talkers_lists = [["talkerscode"], ["talkerstech"], ["talkersmoney"], ["talkersreview"]]
# Accessing elements in the list
print(talkers_lists[0]) # Output: ['talkerscode']
print(talkers_lists[1]) # Output: ['talkerstech']
print(talkers_lists[2]) # Output: ['talkersmoney']
print(talkers_lists[3]) # Output: ['talkersreview']
# Modifying elements in the list
talkers_lists[0] = ["new_talkerscode"]
talkers_lists[1] = ["new_talkerstech"]
talkers_lists[2] = ["new_talkersmoney"]
talkers_lists[3] = ["new_talkersreview"]
print(talkers_lists) # Output: [['new_talkerscode'], ['new_talkerstech'], ['new_talkersmoney'], ['new_talkersreview']]
# Adding new elements to the list
print(talkers_lists) # Output: [['new_talkerscode'], ['new_talkerstech'], ['new_talkersmoney'], ['new_talkersreview'], ['talkersmedia'], ['talkersnetwork']]
# Accessing elements within the nested lists
print(talkers_lists[0][0]) # Output: new_talkerscode
print(talkers_lists[1][0]) # Output: new_talkerstech
print(talkers_lists[2][0]) # Output: new_talkersmoney
print(talkers_lists[3][0]) # Output: new_talkersreview
  1. We first establish a list of lists referred to as talkers_lists.
  2. There is a single string element in each inner list that corresponds to the names "talkerscode," "talkerstech," "talkersmoney," and "talkersreview."
  3. We use indexing to gain access to the list's components. We can get to the list's first element, ['talkerscode'], by providing talkers_lists[0].
  4. Comparatively, ['talkerstech'], ['talkersmoney'], & ['talkersreview'] are supplied by way of talkers_lists[1], [talkers_lists[2], and [talkers_lists[3].
  5. After that, we display you the way to edit listing elements. We use indexing to provide every element new values.
  6. As an illustration, the modification talkers_lists[0] = ["new_talkerscode"] changes the first element to be ["new_talkerscode"}.
  7. We also make the appropriate updates to the other parts.
  8. Printing talkers_lists after the changes show the revised list: [["new_talkerscode"], ["new_talkerstech"], ["new_talkersmoney"], and ["new_talkersreview"]].
  9. hen we use the append() technique to feature additional members to the list. In order to create the prolonged list [["new_talkerscode"], [["new_talkerstech"], [["new_talkersmoney"], [["new_talkersreview"], [["talkersmedia"], [["talkersnetwork"]], we append ["talkersmedia"] in addition to ["talkersnetwork"] to talkers_lists.
  10. In the last, we show how to retrieve elements within nested lists.
  11. We can access particular elements from the layered lists by utilizing double indexing.
  12. Talkers_lists[0][0], for example, returns the value "new_talkerscode". For the modified elements, talkers_lists[1][0], talkers_lists[2][0], & talkers_lists[3][0] offer the appropriate values.

Conclusion :-

As a result, we have successfully learnt the Python list of lists concept A beneficial data structure that enables you to maintain many lists inner of a single listing is the python listing of lists, which is another component we studied.

It provides a practical technique for structuring and manipulating statistics. A 2-dimensiona array is created by using the reality that every object in the fundamental list is a separate listing.

When displaying grids, matrices, tabular data, or building complicated data structures, this structure is frequently utilised.

I hope this article on python list of lists helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Amruta

Amruta is an Experienced web developer with 4 years for experience she completed her master's with MCA and passionate about programming Languages for creating technical contents like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, jQuery.

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