Python Keyboard Input Arrow Keys
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - Python | Written & Updated By - Ashish
In this article we will show you the solution of python keyboard input arrow keys, the turtle module in Python is a fantastic tool for learning how to code by creating animations and games. utilizing this module is better than utilizing more complex modules if your goal is to learn how to code.
In this manner, you can concentrate on the crucial elements of coding.
It will not work to use input. Use curses.initscr().getch() at all times. Isn't that lengthy? Anyway, after doing so, you now possess the key codes.
The keyboard button being pressed can be quickly determined in Arcade, and activities can be carried out accordingly.
The write() keystroke is the most important one. The characters in the string that is supplied will be typed by this function.
Pass an int or float for the interval keyword parameter to add a delay between each character key press.
We will now discuss the idea of how to create keyboard input arrow keys in python with an example.
Step By Step Guide On Python Keyboard Input Arrow Keys :-
import turtle import random def up(): tim.setheading(90) tim.forward(100) def down(): tim.setheading(270) tim.forward(100) def left(): tim.set_heading(180) tim.forward(100) def right(): tim.setheading(0) tim.forward(100) colors = ["skyblue", "pink", "gray", "red", "black"] def clickLeft(x, y): tim.color(random.choice(colors)) def clickRight(x, y): tim.stamp() tim.listen() turtle.onscreenclick(clickLeft, 1) turtle.onscreenclick(clickRight, 3) tim.onkey(up, "Up") tim.onkey(down, "Down") tim.onkey(left, "Left") tim.onkey(right, "Right") tim.mainloop()
- Define the up function, which causes the turtle to head in a new direction and advance 100 units.
- Define the down function, which changes the turtle's direction to 270 degrees and accelerates it by 100 units.
- Define the left function, which changes the turtle's direction to face 180 degrees ahead and advances it 100 units.
- Define the appropriate function to advance the turtle by 100 units while changing its heading to 0 degrees.
- Make a list of the hues.
- Define the clickLeft function, which has the x and y arguments. This function selects a random color from a list of colors to change the turtle's color.
- Define the clickRight function, which has the x and y arguments. The turtle is stamped onto the canvas by this function using the stamp() technique.
- To enable the turtle to listen for input, call the listen() method.
- If the left mouse button is pressed, use the onscreen click() method to call the clickLeft function. If the right mouse button is used, call the clickRight function.
- Use the onkey() method to trigger the call of the up function, the down function, the left function, the right function, and the down function if the up, down, left, or right arrow keys are pressed, respectively.
- If you want to make sure the program keeps running, call the mainloop() method.
Conclusion :-
As a result, we have successfully learned how to create keyboard input arrow keys in python with an example.
Python's keyboard module is a small, straightforward toolkit that can simulate keystrokes and do basic automation.
Although it does not have many features, you can use it to automate some of the chores you would undertake in your regular work or just for fun.
I hope this article on python keyboard input arrow keys helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.