Python Get All Files In Directory
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - Python | Written & Updated By - Dikshita
In this article we will show you the solution of python get all files in directory a computer’s file system uses directories, which are sometimes also referred to as folders, to organise and store data and multiple folders.
Today, Python supports a variety of Interfaces for listing directory contents.
A directory’s files and folders are listed by the Python os.listdir() function.
A list of each file in the entire file tree is returned by the os.walk() method.
You'll frequently run into circumstances where you need for list the files inside a directory when working with file in Python.
For instance, you could need to locate every Python file in a specific folder.
A variety of methods for listing files in a directory are available in the Python OS library. Now move to the concept of python get all files in directory.
Step By Step Guide On Python Get All Files In Directory :-
Method: os.scandir()
import os path = "C://Users//Dell//OneDrive//Desktop" obj = os.scandir() print("Files and Directories in '% s':" % path) for path in obj: if path.is_dir() or path.is_file(): print(
- Import the OS module into the initial line of code. OS is included in the standard utility modules for Python.
- Next, we use path to acquire a list of every file in a particular folder. A list of folder paths is stored in the environment variable PATH.
- After that, we use the os.scandir() method to scan that directory and retrieve the iterator for os.DirEntry objects relating to every entry in it.
- The scandir() function gives greater speed for many typical use cases by returning directory entries together with file attribute information. It gives back an iterator of file name-containing os.DirEntry objects.
- After that, each of the directories and files in the particular path have been classified.
- The file object is iterated using a for loop after that.
- Next, we employ the if statement with the is dir() method, which returns True if the path leads to the directory and also that directory is actually present.
Next, we print the files' names using the print method.
Method: Pathlib Module to list files of a directory
import pathlib dir_path = r' C://Users//Dell//OneDrive//Desktop’ res = [] d = pathlib.Path(dir_path) for entry in d.iterdir(): if entry.is_file(): res.append(entry) print(res)
- We import the pathlib module in the very first line of code. For several operating systems, the Pathlib module provides classes and methods for managing filesystem paths and obtaining information about files.
- The file names are then stored using the res technique and the folder path.
- Next, Use the pathlib.Path('path') to construct directory path
- Next, go through each entry in a directory using iterdir().
- At the end, use the path.isfile() function to determine whether a current element is a file.
- Last, we used the print statement to print files.
Conclusion :-
As a result, we have successfully learnt the Python retrieve all files in directory idea.
We also learned about the os module, which enables us to use Python's operating system-dependent features.
Functions for dealing with operating system are provided by the OS module.
I hope this article on python get all files in directory helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.