In this article we will show you the solution of python break nested loop, in python, we can easily break a nested loop using break statement. When working with nested loops, we have an outer loop that iterates a set of values and an inner loop inside within it.
We can use one method flag variable. This method can easily break nested loop in python
A flag variable is a variable is used to represent a specific condition inside a program.
We can assign default value in flag variable, such as False or True, depending on your requirements. Adding a flag variable in code will easily understood and readable for users
Step By Step Guide On Python Break Nested Loop :-
Method 1
a="talkers" b="code" flag = False for i in range(0,len(a)): for j in range(0,len(b)): if a[i] == 'e' and b[j] == 'e': flag = True break print(a[i],b[j]) if flag: break
- Firstly, we can assign a string “a” and the value of string “a” is talkers.
- Secondly, we can assign a string “b” and the value of string “b” is code.
- Then, we set a flag value False.
- First, we can use outer loop i with indices starting from 0 to length(a)-1. We can iterate each element in string a
- Second, we can use inner loop j with indices starting from 0 to len(b)-. We can iterate each element in string b.
- Then, check the condition if a[i] is equal to “e” and b[j] is equal to “e”. If the condition is satisfied then flag set to True and outer loop will exit using break statement . If we found both “e” characters in a and b then set flag is equal to True. It will print the characters 't', 'a', 'l', 'k', 'e' from a and 'c', 'o', 'd', 'e' from b.
- Then we print values: (t,c),(t,o),(t,d),(t,e),(a,c),(a,o),(a,d),(a,e),(l,c),(l,o),(l,d),(l,e),(k,c),(k,o),(k,d),(k,e),(e,c),(e,o),(e,d)
Method 2
flag=False for i in range(3): for j in range(4): if i==2 and j==1: flag=True break print(i,j) if flag: break
- Firstly, we can assign a flag variable set to False.
- Then we can use outer loop and inner loop. In outer loop we can iterates the value of i from 0 to 2.In inner loop we can iterates the value of j from 0 to 3
- Check the condition if i is equal to 2 and j is equal to 1. If condition is satisfied then set flag equal to True and nested loop is exit using break statement.
- It will print the values: (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
Conclusion :-
In conclusion, we can easily say that break a nested loop in python is an easy task.
We can use one method flag variable to break a inner loop in python.
We can use two code examples, first code, we can initiliaze a string and other code without string. Both code we can use flag variable to break a inner loop in python.
I hope this article on python break nested loop helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.