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PHP Read CSV File Line By Line

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

PHP Read CSV File Line By Line

In this article we will show you the solution of PHP read csv file line by line, Data in tabular form is frequently stored as CSV files, which are simple to import & export from databases & spreadsheet programs. There are various techniques for reading CSV files in PHP.

One of the most successful approaches is to read the file line by line. When working with big CSV files that can't be fully loaded into memory, this is quite helpful.

PHP may process each entry individually by accessing the file line by line, which enhances performance and uses less memory.

Opening the file, using a loop to iterate through each line, and parsing each record are all steps in the process of reading a CSV file line by line.

Each processed record can then be saved in a variable or utilized for additional processing.

This strategy is frequently used in web applications, such as e-commerce platforms, content management systems, as well as financial software, that need data import or export functionalities.

We'll talk about the idea of having PHP read a CSV file line by line.

Step By Step Guide On PHP Read CSV File Line By Line :-

// open the CSV file for reading
$handle = fopen('example.csv', 'r');
// check if the file was opened successfully
if ($handle === false) {
    die('Could not open the file');
// loop through the file line by line
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== false) {
    // process each record here
    // for example, you can output the values to the screen
    echo 'First name: ' . $data[0] . '<br>';
    echo 'Last name: ' . $data[1] . '<br>';
    echo 'Email: ' . $data[2] . '<br>';
    echo 'Phone number: ' . $data[3] . '<br>';
// close the file
  1. You can see in this example how we build the PHP code to read a CSV file line by line.
  2. The fopen() method is applied to open a CSV file with the name "example.csv" in read-only mode ('r') at the beginning of the code.
  3. In the event that the script cannot open the file, it will exit with an error message.
  4. In a while loop, the fgetcsv() method reads each line of the CSV file.
  5. An array of values is returned by this function after reading a line from the CSV file.
  6. When there are fewer lines left to read (!== false), the loop ends.
  7. Each record's values are handled as necessary within the loop.
  8. In the above example, echo is used to output the values of each column to the screen.
  9. To save the values in an array, a database, or for other purposes, you can alter this code.
  10. The CSV file is closed in the final step, freeing up system resources, using the fclose() function.

Conclusion :-

As a result, we have successfully learned how to read a CSV file in PHP line by line.

We also learned how to use built-in PHP methods like fopen() and fgetcsv() to read a CSV file line by line.

By processing each record separately, this method can aid with performance and memory utilization when working with huge files.

I hope this article on PHP read csv file line by line helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Dikshita

Passionate Electronics and Communication Engineering student with expertise in web development (HTML, CSS, JS,PHP, Bootstrap, React.js) and content writing. Eager problem solver and tech enthusiast, adept at creating engaging web experiences.

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