PHP Find Duplicate Values In Associative Array
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - PHP | Written & Updated By - Amruta
In this tutorial we will show you the solution of php find duplicate values in associative array, mainly there are many ways with help of which we are able to understand how to find duplicate values in associative array using PHP.
So, let us see the example below to understand how to do this with help of PHP codes.
Step By Step Guide On Php Find Duplicate Values In Associative Array :-
Now, here as we already said that there are many ways with help of which we are able to understand how to find duplicate values in associative arrays.
In this tutorial we are going to use foreach and array_unique function to get duplicate values. Let us see how to use these both in PHP codes to get our required results.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> PHP find duplicate values in associative array </title> </head> <body> <h1> TalkersCode </h1> <h2> PHP find duplicate values in associative array </h2> <?php function duplicateValues($arrayValues) { $duplicateArray = array(); foreach ($arrayValues as $value) { if (++$duplicateArray[$value] > 1) { return true; } } return false; } // using array_unique function also $array = array(7, 4, 1, 7, 0, 9, 4, 3); $getUnique = array_unique($arr); $duplicateValues = array_diff_assoc($array, $ getUnique); print_r($duplicateValues); ?> </body> </html>
- As, here we see that we that in above example we show you an example in which HTML and PHP codes are used.
- Here, first of all, we create a basic structure of HTML, in which we use <!DOCTYPE html> which defines the type of document. And next one is our HTML tags. These tags are paired tags and all the data regarding HTML is written inside these tags.
- After we use our head tag which is again paired tag and contains the title and meta information of the webpage. The data written inside the head is not shown on the webpage.
- Now, next is the body which is the main tag of HTML. The data which we have written inside the body is shown on the webpage. Mostly all tags which are helpful to show data or information on the screen are written under the body tag.
- Now, as we see inside the body we write our PHP codes. These codes are started with <?php and end with ?>, these tags are known as basic PHP tags. Our PHP codes are always written under these interfaces. In our above example as we see inside this basic structure of PHP.
- Now, as above we give two examples. First one is based on the foreach loop whereas next one is on array_unique() function. Now, at next when we see both example.
- In first, we see that we use foreach loop and get the values of array and if any one value exceed more than one time then it will be returned.
- Whereas in next case, we directly use array unique to get the unique values from array so that our duplicate values get removed.
- After that we compare both arrays means find differences between both array using array_diff() and it return us difference. With help of which we are able to get duplicate values of associative array.
Conclusion :-
At last, in conclusion, here we can say that with the help of this article we can understand how to find duplicate values in associative array using PHP.
I hope this tutorial on php find duplicate values in associative array helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.