Optimizing WordPress For Speed
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
In this article we will show you the solution of optimizing WordPress for speed, boosting Blogspot performance and speeding up your website with the best WordPress speed optimization helpful hints will enhance the user experience, increase page views, as well as boost your WordPress SEO.
Our aim was to give you all the information you require about WordPress speed, including why it matters, what causes it to load slowly, and what steps you can immediately take to speed up your website.
For easy navigation, we've divided our comprehensive guide to speeding up your WordPress homepage into sections.
In the past decade, the attention span of humans has shrunk from 12 to 7 seconds.
You must quickly present your content to visitors if you want them to remain on your website.
Slow websites may cause users to abandon your homepage before it has loaded.
According to an analysis by Strange Loop that included Amazon, Google, and other major websites, a single-moment delay in page loading time is thought to result in 7% fewer conversions,11% fewer site views, and 16% less client satisfaction on larger sites.
Additionally, slower websites are already being penalized by Google or other search engines by being forced down in search results, which results in less traffic.
The bottom line is that increasing the speed of your WordPress website is the key to increasing traffic, subscribers, and revenue.
Modern browsers, such as Chrome, prefetch one’s webpage in the cache whenever you try to type an address because you visit it frequently.
You will see a faster loading website as a result.
A WordPress website's slowness is typically caused by the following:
- If your website services server is not configured correctly, this same speed of your webpage may suffer.
- Configuration of WordPress – If cached pages aren't served, the WordPress site will either become sluggish or crash altogether.
- Non-optimized images make up a large portion of a page's content.
- Poorly coded plugins can significantly slow down websites.
- Outer scripts such as ads, font loaders, and so on can also degrade this same performance of your website.
Now that you know what is slowing down your WordPress website, here are a few tips for speeding it up.
Step By Step Guide On Optimizing WordPress For Speed :-
- A number of plugins for reducing image size exist on the web, for example, EWWW Image Optimizer, WP Smush it, and so on. They all have different features and allow you to find the configuration you need. We recommend using the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin.
- In order to optimize your images, you need to go to Media >> Bulk Optimize after the plugin is installed and activated:
- Scan for unoptimized images allows you to scan and optimize all images in your Media library at once:
- Upon completion of the scan, select Start optimizing:
Conclusion :-
As a result, we have successfully learned how to optimizing wordpress for speed.
WordPress performance optimization is a topic covered in many articles, but this one offer a thorough explanation of how to do it.
I hope this article on optimizing WordPress for speed helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.