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jQuery Radio Button Checked

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

jQuery Radio Button Checked

In this article we will show you the solution of jQuery radio button checked, first, let's define what a radio button in jQuery is used for. Radio buttons are used to present a list of possibilities from which only one may be chosen.

Because conventional desktop radio buttons are not designed for touch input, jQuery Mobile enlarges and modifies the radio button labels to make them appear clickable.

The label is enhanced with a unique collection of icons to offer more visual cues.

The radio and checkbox controls below are designed to be more touch-friendly but still use normal input/label markup.

Now move to the jquery radio button checked.

Step By Step Guide On jQuery Radio Button Checked :-

The checked attribute of the input type can be changed using one of two techniques to dynamically modify the radio button that is currently chosen.

Method 1 - Using prop method:

By implementing the prop method, it is possible to retrieve the input and change its properties.

If we wish to check or uncheck something, this method tries to manipulate the "checked" property and sets that to true or false accordingly.


$("element").prop("checked", true)

Method 2 - Using attr method:

Utilizing the second strategy, attr: It is comparable to the aforementioned approach and better suited to earlier jQuery iterations.

Attr provides the capability to retrieve and change input properties.

A property called "checked" must be set to true or false in order to check or uncheck anything.

To ensure that the option is modified in the selection group, it is required to include a click procedure even before set its property to true.


$("element").attr("checked", true)

Method 3 - Checking If A Radio Button Is Checked By Using is:

The best and most suggested approach to use jQuery is as follows:

Here, we are using the jQuery is method to determine whether the supplied element matches a specified selector, a jQuery object, or an element.

A match returns true if there is one.

So, in essence, we use $('#radio') to select our element (assuming it has id="radio"), and then we query jQuery to see if it meets the:checked selector. (Which is appropriate if the radio is on.)

Method 4 - Using A Selector To Determine If A Radio Button Is Checked

Here's another, less-recommended method of determining whether a radio button is active.

To try to locate the active radio button in the DOM, it consists of directly using a selection with the:checked property.

It was not functional if it could not be located. And if we do discover the radio button that corresponds to that choice, we may be sure that it is checked.

We utilise the .length method to see how many elements are being returned in order to determine if we have found such an element or not.

The length function will give 1 (or the number of matched items) in the event that the element is found and 0 in the absence of this finding.

As 0 is recognised as false and everything above 0 as a true value, we can use it straight in an if condition.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  jquery radio button checked
 <script src=
 <h1 style="color: green">
  jQuery Check/Uncheck Radio Button
  <input type="radio" name="option" id="python">
  <input type="radio" name="option" id="java">
  <button type="button" class="check-python">
   Get Python
  <button type="button" class="check-java">
   Get Java
  <button type="button" class="reset">
 <script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function () {
   $(".check-python").click(function () {
    $("#python").prop("checked", true);
   $(".check-java").click(function () {
    $("#java").prop("checked", true);
   $(".reset").click(function () {
    $("#python").prop("checked", false);
    $("#java").prop("checked", false);
  1. We begin our code by inserting the title for our page in the HTML & HEAD tags.
  2. Following that, we use a script link, which is nothing more than a hosted library used to load jQuery.
  3. Next, we begin the program's body, which includes a heading and some text.
  4. Next, we design the radio buttons for Python & Java.
  5. Next, we design more buttons that are utilised to choose a class.
  6. We then begin our script.
  7. Next, we utilise the ready() function to run the Jquery code.
  8. Next, we use the prop method to determine whether or not our radio button is checked.
  9. Finally, we use SCRIPT, BODY, and HTML elements to complete the final our code.

Conclusion :-

Consequently, we have successfully acquired knowledge of the jQuery radio button checked notion.

We can also observe that to check if a radio button is checked, choose the method that feels the most appropriate to you.

You've now studied the fundamental techniques for determining the status of DOM elements.

The same information may be used to disable jQuery buttons, check the status of checkboxes, disable input fields, textareas, etc.

I hope this article on jQuery radio button checked helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Anjali

Experienced Computer Programmer with a broad range of experience in technology. Strengths in application development and Object Oriented architecture design, front end programming, usability and multimedia technology. Expert in coding languages such as C, C++ Java, JavaScript, PHP and more.

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