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JavaScript Wait For 1 Second

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

JavaScript Wait For 1 Second

In this article we will show you the solution of JavaScript wait for 1 second, asynchronous programming is a method that is utilized in JavaScript to feature a one-2nd put off. JavaScript is a single-threaded language, because of this that most effective one operation may be achieved immediately.

It does, however, offer strategies for delaying actions and scheduling sports without obstructing the execution of other code.

The setTimeout() approach is such a mechanisms. You can programme a feature to run while a hard and fast quantity of time has handed.

For a one second delay, we select a fee of a 1000 milliseconds due to the fact the postpone is measured in milliseconds.

JavaScript creates a timer in the background via the use of setTimeout() with a characteristic and the specified postpone as arguments.

The characteristic is placed on the event queue and achieved by using JavaScript while the call stack is empty after the specified amount of time has passed.

Now move to the concept of javascript wait for 1 second.

Step By Step Guide On JavaScript Wait For 1 Second :-

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>JavaScript Delay Example</title>
  <h1>JavaScript Delay Example</h1>
    function waitForOneSecond() {
      // Create a Promise to handle the delay
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => {
          resolve(); // Resolving the Promise after 1 second
        }, 1000);
    // Usage example
    console.log("Before delay");
    // Calling the function and waiting for 1 second
    waitForOneSecond().then(() => {
      console.log("After delay");
    console.log("End of code");
  1. The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration on the start of the HTML structure denotes that it is an HTML5 file.
  2. The title of the page is about to "JavaScript Delay Example" inside the <head> part of the <html> tags.
  3. In the <body> section, we've a heading detail with the identification "h1" that shows "JavaScript Delay Example" at the website.
  4. We outline the JavaScript characteristic waitForOneSecond() in the <script> tags.
  5. With the help of this characteristic, an asynchronous operation can be dealt with via developing a Promise.
  6. To plan a resolution of the Promise after a one second delay (a thousand milliseconds), we use setTimeout() within the Promise.
  7. Using console.log(), we have some log messages underneath the waitForOneSecond() function.
  8. The console records "Before delay" first.
  9. Then, we utilize the .then() method to handle the Promise's resolution after calling the waitForOneSecond() function.
  10. Within the .then() callback, "After delay" is logged in the console. Finally, "End of code" is logged.
  11. The JavaScript code runs when the HTML page is loaded in a web browser.
  12. The developer console of the browser displays the log messages.
  13. As a result, you will see "Before delay" logged first, followed by a one-second delay, as soon as the page loads.
  14. After the wait, the words "After delay" and "End of code" are logged.

Conclusion :-

As a end result, we had been capable of understand the concept of a JavaScript wait for 1 second.

We also found that pauses within the execution of JavaScript code can be added the use of the setTimeout() function.

We may achieve a delay of one second by utilising a number of 1000 milliseconds.

This method is helpful for adjusting the timing of interactions in JavaScript applications, managing asynchronous activities, and producing fluid animations.

I hope this article on JavaScript wait for 1 second helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Ashish

Ashish is a dynamic and motivated individual with a passion of programming and an experienced programmer having 3+ years of experience in various languages like Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and various frameworks like Bootstrap

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