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Javascript OnChange Input Value

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Javascript OnChange Input Value

In this article we will show you the solution of JavaScript OnChange input value, it detects changes to an input element. Onchange event is used when the input value of element is changing by users.

It performs many actions including- updating input value or other actions should be performing based on the newer input value.

We can use addeventListener() method to change the events. If we change the input value , the change event will executed.

Step By Step Guide On Javascript OnChange Input Value :-

   <title> onchange code</title>
   <input type=”text” id=”inputs”>
   <p id=”myoutput”> All input values should be displaying here</p>
     <script src=”script.js”></script>
const inputs= document.getElementById(“inputs”);
 const myoutput= document.getElementById(“myoutput”);
inputs. addEventListener(“change”, function() {
       myoutput. textContent=” changing input value” + inputs.value;
  1. Firstly we can use html tag, it is the starting point of html document.
  2. Secondly, we can use <head> tag it is the title of html documrent
  3. <title> tag in code defines that the title name of html document is “onchange code”
  4. </head> tag in code defines the end section of head.
  5. <body> tag in code defines the content is visible in html document
  6. This line in code “<input type=”text” id=”inputs”>” defines the input field with id attribute “inputs”.
  7. This line in code “<p id=”myoutput”> All input values should be displaying here</p>” says the paragraph element with id attribute “myoutput”
  8. After that we can create js file which I named script. Js.
  9. All the javascript code writes in script. Js.
  10. In this code “const inputs” defines that we can declare a constant variable named “inputs”
  11. In this code, “const myoutput” defines that we can declare a constant variable named “myoutput”
  12. Within “const inputs and const myoutput”, we use document.getElementById method to update the input and output elements by using id values. We can store these references in variables called ‘input’ and myoutput respectively.
  13. In this code, we use addEventListener function, this will executed when the change event is activated on inputs element
  14. After that we add or concatenating the string with the inputs element to creating this message.
  15. When user changing the input value, the event of change should be activated. And the function addEventListener wull be processed.
  16. For example, if we write ‘python’ in input and wants to change into ‘javascript’, the output will be ‘javascript.’

Conclusion :-

In conclusion, we use onchange event and event listener in javascript. Onchange event is used when the input value of element is changing by users.

It performs many actions including- updating input value or other actions should be performing based on the newer input value. And event listener answers to events activated by the user.

If we want to add event listener in javascript, we use addEventListener() method.

I hope this article on JavaScript OnChange input value helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Dikshita

Passionate Electronics and Communication Engineering student with expertise in web development (HTML, CSS, JS,PHP, Bootstrap, React.js) and content writing. Eager problem solver and tech enthusiast, adept at creating engaging web experiences.

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