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JavaScript Exit For Loop

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

JavaScript Exit For Loop

In this article we will show you the solution of JavaScript exit for loop, "For loops" are a fundamental JavaScript technique for repeatedly running a piece of code in response to a given condition.

While we generally want our loops to continue running until their termination condition is satisfied, there are some rare situations where we may need to stop the loop early.

The "throw" statement is a potent tool for handling such circumstances. In this session, we will look towards how we can use JavaScript "throws" statement for ending for loop.

This article attempts to provide you a thorough grasp of how to use JavaScript's "throw" statement to end for loops.

The fundamentals of for loops and their importance in programming will be covered first. The "throw" statement and its function in raising exceptions will next be discussed.

We'll look at actual situations when it makes sense to use the "throw" expression inside of for loops. We will show how to use this strategy and successfully handle errors using real-world scenarios.

You will have the skills necessary by the conclusion of this course to apply the "throw" statement to your JavaScript projects in a logical manner.

In this tutorial, we'll take a practical approach and provide real-world examples and explanations to demonstrate how to use the "throw" expression to end for loops.

We'll demonstrate a number of situations where throwing exceptions is required, including when a certain condition is satisfied or an unexpected error happens.

We'll also go over how important try-catch blocks are for managing programme flow smoothly when addressing exceptions.

Step By Step Guide On JavaScript Exit For Loop :-

const n = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,8,7,90];
try {
  for (let num of n) {
    if (num === 4) {
      throw "Number 4 found!";
} catch (error) {
  1. The following elements: [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,7,90], are stored in constant array n, which is declare at the beginning of the code using keyword const.
  2. To deal with unexpected exceptions that can arise while the loop is running, the code employs a try block.
  3. A for...of loop is utilised inside the try block to repeatedly cycle through the array n's components. The value of each element in the array is read into the loop variable num one by one.
  4. An if statement inside the loop determines whether the current value of num is equal to 4. If the criterion is satisfied, the error message "Number 4 found!" is thrown.
  5. The console.log(num) statement is used to print the current value of num to the console if the if statement's condition is false (that is, if num is not equal to 4).
  6. The catch block is not run if the loop succeeds without encountering any exceptions.
  7. When num equals 4, if an exception is thrown while the loop is running, control is sent to the associated catch block.
  8. Error message of throw exception is stored, using error parameter in the catch block.
  9. To print the error message to the console, the console.log(error) statement is used.

Conclusion :-

JavaScript's "throw" command is a potent tool that lets us break for loops and raise exceptions as needed.

We can gracefully handle uncommon occurrences in our code and keep our apps stable by carefully using the "throw" statement.

We looked at the idea of utilising the "throw" command to end for loops in this tutorial, how it functions, and why it's a useful tool for handling errors.

We used real-world examples to illustrate how it may be used in a variety of situations, from straightforward loops to procedures that call for error handling.

To effectively catch and handle exceptions when using the "throw" command, it is essential to link it with try-catch blocks.

As a result, the application won't crash and we can give users helpful error messages, which makes the debugging process easier to handle.

You may improve your JavaScript programming abilities and create more durable and error-resistant apps by learning how to use the "throw" statement correctly.

To provide a positive user experience, always prioritise graceful error handling and utilise the "throw" statement sparingly.

I hope this article on JavaScript exit for loop helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Ashish

Ashish is a dynamic and motivated individual with a passion of programming and an experienced programmer having 3+ years of experience in various languages like Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and various frameworks like Bootstrap

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