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JavaScript Download File From URL And Save

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

JavaScript Download File From URL And Save

In this article we will show you the solution of JavaScript download file from URL and save, we will look towards how we use JavaScript to download and save files from URLs.

When developing web applications or websites, we frequently run into situations where we must allow visitors to download files directly from a certain URL.

This could be anything from pictures to documents to audio files to data that the server generates.

You will have a firm grasp on how to incorporate a file download option into your JavaScript applications by the end of this lesson, enabling users to quickly save files to their local devices.

Using JavaScript and the download attribute of the an element, we will implement the file download feature.

To start the download, the procedure entails dynamically constructing a link element, changing its href attribute to the required URL, and launching a click event on the link.

We'll also look at how to handle situations in which the URL might be cross-origin, which calls for some extra considerations.

Step By Step Guide On JavaScript Download File From URL And Save :-

function downloadFileFromUrl(url, fileName) {
    const a = document.createElement("a");
    a.href = url; = fileName;;
  1. There is a function called downloadFileFromUrl that takes two arguments: url: The download link for the file. fileName: This is the preferred filename for the downloaded file.
  2. A new anchor (‘a’) element is created inside the function using document.createElement("a"). The file download will be started using this component.
  3. The specified url is used as the value for the anchor element's href property. By doing this, the link will now lead to the server's location of the file.
  4. The given fileName is the value for the anchor element's download property. This attribute decides what the downloaded file's filename will be.
  5. The anchor element receives a call to the click() method, which programmatically causes the element to experience a click event. The file is automatically downloaded to the user's device after this starts the download process.
  6. The anchor element is promptly deleted from the document using a.remove() when the file download has been initiated. To keep the document tidy and remove any undesirable sections, this elimination is carried out.

Conclusion :-

This tutorial has shown you how to use JavaScript to store and download files from URLs.

Users will be able to download files straight from our web apps if we make advantage of the download attribute of the an element and dynamically create anchor elements.

This feature can considerably improve user experience and offer a useful method of resource sharing.

Using the right headers, like Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), we must take care of server accepts such requests, while working with cross-origin URLs.

Additionally, be aware that downloading files from sources with different origins may be subject to security limitations on some browsers.

I hope this article on JavaScript download file from URL and save helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Riya

A recent graduate with a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science from India. She is passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems. With a strong foundation and experience in programming languages such as Python, Django, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, java, php and have honed her skills through hands-on projects and coursework.

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