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JavaScript Date Parse Format dd/mm/yyyy

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

JavaScript Date Parse Format dd/mm/yyyy

In this article we will show you the solution of JavaScript date parse format dd/mm/yyyy, JavaScript is most commonly used for creating web pages, but it is also utilised in many other situations outside of browsers.

Dates in JavaScript by default adhere to the ISO standard. This means that you will have a few options that are intended to maintain as much standardisation as possible if you just want a string for a date using native JavaScript functions.

All of these are excellent at what they do, but what if you require the DD/MM/YYYY format specifically? Although using toLocaleDateString() comes close, its format differs depending on the language and time zone of the browser.

Step By Step Guide On JavaScript Date Parse Format dd/mm/yyyy :-

To change the dates about, you may utilise a few string operations on the date string's ISO representation that toISOString() provides.

This is a solution that might work, but it's not the most concise or straightforward.

The easiest way to generate a date string with the DD/MM/YYYY format is to use a few native get() methods and some basic logic. Obtaining the month, date, and year of the date is the first step.

The objective is to use JavaScript to format the current date in the dd/mm/yyyy format. We'll talk about a couple techniques. basic techniques to know

getDate in JavaScript () Method:

For the specified date, this method returns the day of the month (from 1 to 31).



Return value: It gives back a number between 1 and 31, which denotes the day of the month.

JavaScript getFullYear() Method:

For dates between year 1000 and year 999, this method returns the year (four digits).



Return value: It gives back a number that corresponds to the year of the specified date.

getMonth in JavaScript () Method:

Based on local time, this method returns the month (from 0 to 11) for the specified date.



Return value: The month is represented by an integer between 0 and 11, which is the return value.

JavaScript's string slice() method:

This method separates a string into its component parts and returns the new string.

To specify the portion of the string to extract, it employs the start and end arguments. Beginning with position 0, the first character goes to position 1, and so forth.


string.slice(start, end)

start: This element is necessary. It details the starting point for the extraction. Position 0 is the first character.

end: This parameter is optional. It defines the location (apart from it) where the extraction should end. If it is not used, the slice() function chooses every character in the string from the start position to the end.

Return value: It gives back a string that represents the text that was extracted.

The replace() method:

This method finds a defined value or a regular expression in a string and produces a new string with the replaced value.


string.replace(searchVal, newvalue)


searchVal: This element is necessary. It details the value or regular expression that the new value will replace.

newvalue: This element is necessary. The value to use in place of the search value is specified.

Return value: a new string is returned that has the defined value(s) substituted with the new value.

function format(inputDate) {
  let date, month, year;
  date = inputDate.getDate();
  month = inputDate.getMonth();
  year = inputDate.getFullYear();
    date = date
        .padStart(2, '0');
    month = month
        .padStart(2, '0');
  return `${date}/${month}/${year}`;
const result = format(Date('2022', '2', '28'));
  1. In the first line of code we create the function for getting date.
  2. In the next line we declare 3 variables named as date, month, year with the help of let keyword.
  3. After that we use the methods for getting ou date in date month and year format.
  4. When we call getMonth() and getDate() on date object, we will get the single digit number. For getting two digit number we use padStart
  5. Then we use return method fot getting our date in date month and year format.
  6. Then we declare the date which we want to print in format.
  7. After that we create console.log function for getting our results.
  8. Hence our date will be printed in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Conclusion :-

Hence, we successfully learnt about the concept of javascript date parse format in dd/mm/yyyy.

Also we learnt that One of the most frequent challenges for programmers is dealing with dates, and JavaScript is no exception. Different programs or apps call for us to format the Date value in a different way.

But because JavaScript is so simple and programmer-friendly, we can quickly format the Date using JavaScript's built-in functions.

I hope this article on JavaScript date parse format dd/mm/yyyy helps you and the steps aned method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Amruta

Amruta is an Experienced web developer with 4 years for experience she completed her master's with MCA and passionate about programming Languages for creating technical contents like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, jQuery.

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