Java Programs On Strings And Arrays
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - Java | Written & Updated By - Pragati
In this article we will show you the solution of java programs on strings and arrays, the array is a set of homogeneous forms of data that are stored in a series of memory locations and can individually be retrieved using their respective indexes in programming.
A String data type is available in the programming language Java. The string is made up of a variety of char values.
In Java, string values cannot be changed. Immutability, or the inability to be modified, is a feature of Java strings.
In Java, the term "String Array" is used to describe an array of the type String.
We must first declare and initialise a String array before we can utilise it.
To achieve this, there are various options available.
Let's now discuss the idea of java applications using strings and arrays.
Step By Step Guide On Java Programs On Strings And Arrays :-
The most frequent and essential data structure in Java is an array. One of the most popular data structures used by programmers is the array, which is a group of objects with similar data types.
The items are stored in a single contiguous memory area. An array with a predetermined number of string items is known as a string array. An order of characters is called a string.
A string is often an immutable object, meaning its value cannot be altered.
Like with other Array data types, the String Array functions identically.
Only an array can store a definite quantity of elements. This data format is built on indexes.
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class StringArrayDemo1 { public static void main(String[] args) { String sa[] = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" }; System.out.println("Initial Array:\n" + Arrays.toString(sa)); String ne = "G"; List<String>l = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList(sa)); l.add(ne); sa = l.toArray(sa); System.out.println("Array with added Value: \n" + Arrays.toString(sa)) ; } }
- You are able to observe that we have written a Java programme to demonstrate how an arraylist can be used to add elements toward a string array.
- We import the package titled import java.util.ArrayList in the first line of code.
- The resizable array class ArrayList can be found in the java.util package.
- Next, import java.util.Arrays is a package that we import.
- A Java Collection Framework is represented by the Arrays class in the java.util package. Java arrays can be dynamically created and accessed by using the static methods this class provides.
- Next, import java.util.List is a different package that we import.
- Collection's child interface is Java.util.List. Duplicate values may be stored in this organised group of objects.
- After that, make a public class, and use public static void main to begin the main method.
- Once the string array has been defined, it is then printed.
- The next step is to define a new element which is to be joined to the string.
- The array is then turned into an arraylist, to which a new element is then added.
- After that, we reverse the change from arraylist to array.
- And we display that new array as the final step.
Conclusion :-
Hence, we were able to understand how to write Java programmes that use strings and arrays.
We also discovered that a string array is a type of array that has a predetermined amount of string objects.
A string is a collection of characters. As a string's value cannot be changed, it is frequently an immutable object.
The String Array operates in the same way as other Array data types.
I hope this article on java programs on strings and arrays helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.