How To View HTML Page In Your Browser
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - HTML | Written & Updated By - Anjali
In this tutorial we will show you how to view HTML page in your browser, the question here is that how to view HTML page in our browser. Generally, an HTML page is a webpage which we able to see only in a web browser.
Browsers like google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, safari, edge are able to read your html code and shows the required result.
The browser may be on your desktop, that is laptop, pc and also may be on your mobile. There are many ways of viewing an html page in browser which we discuss here.
Step By Step Guide On How To View HTML Page In Your Browser :-
1. From open command of file:
As if you have the basic knowledge of computer. Then it’s easy, here are some steps to open html page in your browser through open command these are:
- Go to the folder or directory where you saved your file.
- Then select your file and click your right button of mouse.
- Find the “open with” option and from appearing dialog box
- Find you favorite browser name from list and then click on it. It’s done.
2. Open HTML file from within your browser:
In this step, you will know about the next step, i.e. opening your HTML file from within your browser. The steps are:
- First, open your favorite browser.
- Press Ctrl + O or go to file menu of and click on open option.
- Then go to the required directory where you saved your file.
- And, click on the file having .html extension. It will open in your browser automatically.
3. By dragging your html into browser:
In this the part of our article, we will know about the opening process of HTML file by dragging file into browser. For this process, the steps are:
This is done by clicking and dragging your required html file and place this in browser that is already opened at background. In this way u can also able to open your html file into browser.
Hence, these are the some steps in which come in touch with method or ways by using these you are able to see, display and view the html in your browser.
Now days, the most used text editors provides their inbuilt servers or in built feature which is used to open the present html page into your default browser.
We will provide you some other sessions in which we come across with that how to view html page from visual studio code , sublime text and notepad++ also.
Conclusion :-
At last, these are most common and efficient ways to open your required html files into your browser.
And also, we teach you in next further session that how you can open or view the code of a website that is already opened in browser.
This website may be your local website that you made yourself on your computer and may be a website that you opened by typing URL or from browser with the help of search engines.
I hope this tutorial on how to view HTML page in your browser helps you and the steps and methods mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.