How To Remove Special Characters From A String In Python
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
In this article we will show you the solution of how to remove special characters from a string in python, in some cases, while writing Python code, a character needs to be eliminated from a string. If you're removing unwanted characters from user-generated input, removing characters from strings will be helpful.
There may be instances of a character in a string that need to be removed or even all occurrences. You can accomplish this using Python in a number of ways.
In Python, there are two common methods for removing characters from strings:
- To replace strings, use the replace() string method.
- To translate strings, use the translate() method.
It is possible to specify which characters from a string you want to remove with either method.
An immutable object in Python is a string. Strings are immutable, which means they can be assigned to new values after their assignment but cannot be modified afterward.
A string can be manipulated by a Python program using many string manipulation instructions.
Python has a number of string-manipulating instructions that can be used to remove special characters from a string.
By replacing a character with another character, replace() transforms a string. In the case of a string that does not contain the character to be replaced, replace() does not have any effect.
The special character property allows us to remove specific characters from strings.
Step By Step Guide On How To Remove Special Characters From A String In Python :-
import re special_string="spe@#$ci87al*&" print("String before conversion: ",special_string) normal_string =re.sub("[^A-Z]", "", special_string,0,re.IGNORECASE) print("String after conversion: " ,normal_string)
- For starting a program, we import the re-module first.
- The next thing we need to do is make a unique character string. Using string manipulation commands in Python, we can eliminate special characters from the string.
- We then use the sub() method to print the program using regular expressions
- The [^A-Z] filter finds all characters that are not between A and Z. Regex patterns have been applied to both upper and lower case using the re.IGNORECASE flag.
- By using the re. sub() method, the new string with no special characters is returned after the character matched with the pattern has been replaced with an empty string.
- A value of 0 is given to the third argument, count, which matches all characters.
- There is no default argument for the count and flag parameters. For the count parameter, the default value of 0 indicates that all cases should be matched, similarly for the flag parameter, the value 0 indicates that no flags are used.
Conclusion :-
As a result, we have successfully learned how to remove special characters from a string in python.
A string is transformed using replace() by replacing a character with another character.
A string without a character to be replaced will have no effect when replace() is called. Strings can be modified to remove specific characters using the special character property.
I hope this article on how to remove special characters from a string in python helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.