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How To Remove An Element From An Array Java

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

How To Remove An Element From An Array Java

In this article we will show you the solution of how to remove an element from an array java, a Java.util package called Java.util.ArrayList provides a built-in ArrayList class that extends the List interface.

Add() and remove() are built-in methods that make adding and removing elements from the ArrayList very easy.

A single element can be removed from an array list in more than one way, however when deleting or removing an element from an array list, use the remove() method of the ArrayList class.

In addition to this, it provides two overloaded methods, remove(int index) and remove(Object object).

It takes an index and an object to remove, and the remove(Int index) and remove(Object obj) methods take the index and the object to remove, respectively.

We will now discuss the idea of how to remove an element from an array java with an example.

Step By Step Guide On How To Remove An Element From An Array Java :-

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class TalkersCode {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<string> cities = new ArrayList<string>(20);
        System.out.println("The list of the size is: " + cities.size());
        for (string city : cities) {
            System.out.println("City is: " + city);
         cities.removeIf(n -> (n.charAt(0) == 'b'));
        System.out.println("\nAfter removing the element the size of the ArrayList is: " + cities.size());
        for (string city : cities) {
            System.out.println("City is: " + city);
  1. Java.util provides an ArrayList class that should be imported.
  2. "TalkersCodeRemoveIfMethod" is a public class that you need to create.
  3. Create the TalkersCodeRemoveIfMethod class by defining its main method.
  4. An array list of Strings called "cities" with a default size of 20 should be created.
  5. ArrayList can be extended to seven cities by using add().
  6. A for-each loop will be used to iterate through the arrayList, printing the name of each city.
  7. As a result, we will remove all ArrayList elements whose names begin with the letter 'b' using the removeIf() method.
  8. Use the size() method to calculate the size of the ArrayList once elements have been removed.
  9. The name of each city remaining in the list can be printed by iterating through the ArrayList again using the for-each loop.

Conclusion :-

As a result, we have successfully learned how to remove an element from an array java with an example.

Many different methods are available in JavaScript for doing the same thing.

There are six variables that do not mutate the original array, while there are three variables that do.

The chances are you will use all of them at some point or another, and maybe you'll learn even more methods to accomplish the same task.

I hope this article on how to remove an element from an array java helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Dikshita

Passionate Electronics and Communication Engineering student with expertise in web development (HTML, CSS, JS,PHP, Bootstrap, React.js) and content writing. Eager problem solver and tech enthusiast, adept at creating engaging web experiences.

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