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How To Redirect To Another Page In JavaScript

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

How To Redirect To Another Page In JavaScript

In this article we will show you the solution of how to redirect to another page in JavaScript, JavaScript redirects users and explore engines to a distinct URL than the one they were initially channelled to.

The diverted page can exist on the even server or a distinct one. further, it might happen on distinct or kindred websites.

Occasionally when we click on a URL, we're held to another URL. The page redirection is the reason of it.

It differs from exclusively reloading a website. Now move to the redirection to another page in JavaScript.

Step By Step Guide On How To Redirect To Another Page In JavaScript :-

Most of the time, search engines don't look at the JavaScript to determine whether the redirection is accurate.

As a result, in the head part of the web page, we must include the rel = "canonical" element if we want to inform search engines (SEO) about URL forwarding.

Although there are several divert in JavaScript customs accessible,location.href andlocation.replace are the most extensively used(). Page redirection is simple in JavaScript.

A property is the position object of the window object. There are several customs to divert a web page. The majority of situations produce usage of thewindow.location object.

It can be applied to determine the address of the usual URL or web address. It's workable to write thewindow.location object without the window prefix.

Window.location objects are among the most frequently utilised.

It is utilised to transform an existing document into a new one.

This method can be given a new URL, and when we do, JavaScript will start an HTTP redirect.

Unlike href, it makes it hard to go back to the original document by erasing the current one from the document's history.

What Does JavaScript's Redirect Function Do?

When someone visits the content of an earlier domain, you can direct them to the new site if you change your domain for any reason.

Depending on the user's location, language, browser, or other factors, you have a variety of sites with various content, and you guide them to the most suitable page.

Unauthorized or unauthorised users send requests for resources to a login page.

You point visitors to other websites that have material in common with the current website.

The procedure of Redirection

It's feasible that you've related a URL awaiting to proceed to website X, but were rather diverted to pageY.

Because of page redirection, that happens. For a multiplicity of explanations, you might need to conduct a visitant out from the initial page. We've a list of these reasons.

You've produced the determination to term your sphere since you go not like the usual name.

In this scene, you might need to channelize all of your visitants to the new website.

The old sphere can be observed, but you should construct a single page with a page redirection so that all visitants to the old sphere land on the substitute site.

Client-side page redirection, as opposed to server-side page redirection, can be used to lead users to the correct page if you've established multiple sites based on browser versions, names, or even different countries.

The search engines might have already indexed your pages. However, if you go to a different domain, you don't want to lose customers who found you through search engines.

Client-side page redirection is thus a choice. Remember, though, that doing this shouldn't be done to trick the search engine; if it is, your site risked being blacklisted.

Redirect the Page in JavaScript When the Page Loads

As soon as your website is launched, you can use the following code to send visitors to another website by placing it in the head> element at the top of your page.

If you're using a separate.js file instead, add the following code to it and link to it from the page's head. Simply replace the sample URL with the URL you want to redirect to.

With this type of redirection, you use JavaScript to route visitors to the destination URL immediately rather than your website.

Redirect the Page After an Event with Redirect in JavaScript

In such cases, you can do the redirect by either attaching an event to an element or using a condition check.

    <title>Page Redirection</title>
    <script type = "javascript">
        function Redirect() {
         window.location = "";
    <input type="button" value="Redirect Me" onclick="Redirect()"/>
  1. We start our coding off with html and head tags.
  2. Following that, we offer the title "page redirection."
  3. Next, we go to the script, where the redirection function is used.
  4. We provide the link to the page we wish to redirect using this redirection method and windows.location.
  5. Following that, we end our script.
  6. The body is where the redirect button, which has the ability to reroute the website after being clicked, is used.

Conclusion :-

As a result, we have successfully acquired knowledge about the redirect page concept.

Further discovered that abrupt or disruptive web page redirection is particularly annoying to users because it detracts from the overall user experience.

For instance, sending visitors away from your website as soon as they land would definitely irritate them.

Additionally, if you send visitors to a page unrelated to the one they were on before they ran out of time, clicked a button or image, or took another action on your website, they will probably want to leave right away and never come back.

I hope this article on how to redirect to another page in JavaScript helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Ashish

Ashish is a dynamic and motivated individual with a passion of programming and an experienced programmer having 3+ years of experience in various languages like Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and various frameworks like Bootstrap

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