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How To Redirect To Another Page In JavaScript With Parameters

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

How To Redirect To Another Page In JavaScript With Parameters

In this tutorial we will show you the solution of how to redirect to another page in JavaScript with parameters, one of the most popular functions of JavaScript is to redirect to a URL.

As a result, JavaScript provides a variety of mechanisms to support redirection at the code level. We'll look at how to alter a URL using JavaScript in this post, going over each of the possible techniques one by one.

Step By Step Guide On How To Redirect To Another Page In JavaScript With Parameters :-

URL redirection, also known as URL forwarding, is a method of redirecting a web page to another web page automatically.

The redirected page is frequently on the same website, but it can also be on another website or on a separate web server.

Redirection using window.location.href of JavaScript

It's important to note that window.location.href loads pages from the browser's cache rather than sending requests to the server.

In case, if you have an older version of the page in your cache, it will redirect to it rather than loading a new page from the server.

  1. For instance, if you're redirecting URL A to URL B, simply enter URL B here, as demonstrated in the example above.
  2. Setting the href attribute of the window.location object is the most popular approach to redirect a URL in JavaScript. This simulates navigating to a new page in the conventional way. I don't believe any task could be easier than this: simply create a new URL.

Redirection using replace() function

In jQuery, the replace() function of the window.location object can also be used to redirect to a web page.

The current URL is removed from the history and replaced with a fresh URL using this method. Let's of how this function can be used to redirect traffic.

  1. If you want to redirect to a new page but don't want the user to be able to return to the previous one using the back button, use the replace() method.

Using the window assign() function, redirection can be done.

You can also use JavaScript to redirect a web page with the window.location.assign() function.

Unlike the replace() function, this code adds a new URL to the history stack and redirects to it, allowing you to use the back button to return to the original document.

This is an example of how to use this method to redirect to a new url.

  1. Use the assign() method for redirection if you want the user to be able to return to original document using the back button.

Conclusion :-

You may need to redirect from one page to another for various reasons. As much as possible, configure these on the server.

However, there are some ways in which you'll need to employ JavaScript to conduct a page redirect. I hope this tutorial on how to redirect to another page in JavaScript with parameters helps you.

Author Image About Pragati

Experienced coding content writer who enjoys breaking down complex concepts in programming languages like Java, Python, C, and C++. Over three years of experience producing interesting and relevant content for a variety of entities. Committed to providing concise and easy-to-understand articles that assist readers in easily understanding technology and industry trends in the world of coding and software development.

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