How To Link JavaScript To HTML And CSS
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - HTML CSS JavaScript | Written & Updated By - Riya
In this article we will show you the solution of how to link JavaScript to HTML and CSS, our JavaScript is included via the <script> tag. The <link> tag that you have been using to add your CSS files is very similar to this one.
Here is a very basic JavaScript example that utilizes the script tag. Our HTML page contains this JavaScript right there in the code. As soon as the website loads, an alarm box will sound.
Use the <script> tag to connect a Javascript code to an HTML document. Moreover, JavaScript code can be added to an HTML document using this tag.
The kind of script can be declared explicitly using the type attribute. It will be assumed that the script is JavaScript if you omit this attribute.
Since the script is written in JavaScript, it's not necessary to have used this attribute.
To specify how HTML components will be presented, utilize the CSS file.
Including a CSS file in an HTML document can be done in a number of ways. JavaScript can be used to import a CSS file into the HTML text.
- To retrieve the HTML head element, use the function document.getElementsByTagName().
- Use the createElement('link') function to create a new link element.
- Set the link element's properties to zero.
- Link elements should be added to the head.
Step By Step Guide On How To Link JavaScript To HTML And CSS :-
<html> <head> <title>My Example</title> <script src="/html/talkerscode/example.js"></script> </head> <body> <button onClick="JavaScript:exampleFunction()">Click Me</button> </body> </html>
- First, we open <html> then It is common practice to link to external JavaScript files from the document's <head>, but it is not necessary.
- The document's <body> element is another possible location for the link. For performance concerns, a greater number of developers are really linking up their Javascript from the HTML document's bottom (just prior to the closing </body> element).
- By doing this, the rest of the HTML page can load immediately without having to wait for the download of external JavaScript resources.
- But, there might be circumstances in which putting it in the <head> is preferable (for instance, if the JavaScript must be accessible to the page as it loads).
- Then we create a button for clicking the object.
- Then we close program using </body></html>
Conclusion :-
As a result, we have successfully learned how to link javascript to HTML and CSS. Javascript code can be linked to an HTML document using the <script> tag.
This tag can also be used to insert JavaScript code into an HTML file.
Using the type attribute, the kind of script can be expressly stated. If you omit this attribute, JavaScript will be taken into account as the script's language.
I hope this article on how to link JavaScript to HTML and CSS helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.