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How To Link External JavaScript To HTML

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

How To Link External JavaScript To HTML

In this article we will show you the solution of how to link external JavaScript to HTML, we utilise the <script> tag to incorporate our JavaScript. Similar to the <link> tag you've utilized to include you CSS files, it is very similar.

The script tag is used in the following extremely basic JavaScript example.Our HTML page contains this JavaScript right there in the code. As immediately as the website loads, an alarm box will sound.

Using the script element and the attribute src allows us to add an external JavaScript file. Using images has already involved utilizing the src attribute.

The location to the JavaScript file ought to act as the value again for src attribute. Because a single JavaScript file may be used in multiple HTML pages, it offers code reusability.

The.js extension must be used when saving an external JavaScript file. All JavaScript files should be combined into one file, as advised. It makes the website load more quickly.

With the <script> tag, JavaScript can be added straight to a such HTML document.The <link> and <script> tags are quite similar. You use the <link> tag when including CSS files.

This shows how JavaScript may be incorporated into HTML. First before the page has finished loading, it will start recording information to the console.

By employing a script tag with the property src,you can incorporate any external JavaScript file rather than putting JavaScript directly within the tags.

This accepts a path to a file that shares the src property used with pictures. Together with HTML and CSS, JavaScript is a popular scripting language used to provide dynamic functionality to web page.

User-triggered events, animations, and content changes are just a few of the characteristics that a web page can have with JavaScript.

Step By Step Guide On How To Link External JavaScript To HTML :-

<html lang="en">
    <title>Example Web Page with JavaScript</title>
    <button id="exampleButton">Click Me!</button>
        exampleButtonElement = document.getElementById("exampleButton");
        exampleButtonElement.addEventListener("onclick", () => {
            alert("The button has been clicked!");
  1. The browser is informed of the HTML version we are using in our first line, which is <HTML>. Tags are the foundation of HTML documents.
  2. Next comes the body tag, which defines the body of the webpage. You can create this same content for your site in one specific location.
  3. Then we create a button for clicking the object.
  4. After that, a <script> tag can be used to include us on an HTML page. Following the title tag in the head> tag, the script tag must be entered between the opening and closing brackets. Then enter the JavaScript function.
  5. Finally, after closing all tags, /script>/body>/html> but also code should be executed.

Conclusion :-

JavaScript can only be used on HTML web pages if it is written directly in the HTML markup or is linked to an external JavaScript file that uses the <script> tag.

Using the use of the <script> tag, this lesson shows where to add JS to either a Web page.

We also discover the components of the <script> tag, which can be utilized to hasten speed loading of your website.

I hope this article we will show you the solution of how to link external JavaScript to HTML helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Dikshita

Passionate Electronics and Communication Engineering student with expertise in web development (HTML, CSS, JS,PHP, Bootstrap, React.js) and content writing. Eager problem solver and tech enthusiast, adept at creating engaging web experiences.

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