How To Create Custom Login And Registration Page In WordPress
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
In this article we will show you the solution of how to create custom login and registration page in WordPress, many of your users may frequently visit the login page if you operate a WordPress membership website or an online store.
A customized login page, however, provides a better customer experience if your website enables people to register or log in.
If you use their own logo and design, they'll probably feel more at home.
Last but not least, this default login screen only has the login form. You can advertise extra pages or limited-time deals by creating a unique login page.
We will now discuss the idea of how to create custom login and registration page in WordPress.
Step By Step Guide On How To Create Custom Login And Registration Page In WordPress :-
- Installing and turning on the Theme My Login plugin is the first step.
- Theme My Login instantly generates URLs for your customized login, logout, registration, forgot password, and reset password action after activation.
- Visit the Theme My Login › General tab to change these WordPress login Addresses. Go down to a "Slugs" section to alter these URLs which that plugin uses for login-related actions.
- You may design unique logging-in and registering pages with Theme My Login by using shortcodes. For each action, you can just create a page, enter the page slug here, and the plugin will be able to discover it and correctly reroute users.
- The login page will be our first stop.
- Create a fresh WordPress page by visiting Page »Add a new. The shortcode [theme-my-login] must be added to a page after you have given it a title.
- Now that your page has been published and previewed, you can use it to log in to your account.
- This is how our test website displays it.
- Use the following shortcodes to create additional pages by just repeating the process.
- For the signup form, use [theme-my-login action="register"].
- For the page for lost passwords, use [theme-my-login action="lostpassword"].
- The reset password page's [theme-my-login action="resetpass"] tag.
Conclusion :-
As a result, we have successfully learned how to create custom login and registration page in WordPress.
A WordPress login page can be customized by website owners using a variety of designs and methods.
Some people design a unique login page using the colors and style of their website.
Several people alter the standard login page by including their own backdrop, colors, and logo.
I hope this article on how to create custom login and registration page in WordPress helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.