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How Do You Insert A Comment In A CSS File?

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

How Do You Insert A Comment In A CSS File?

In this tutorial we will show you the solution of how do you insert a comment in a CSS file? To improve readability and give helpful notes alongside the code, it is usual practice to include comments in the code.

CSS, like most languages, allows users to add comments to the stylesheet. While this may appear to be an unnecessary step in the development process, comments can be quite useful when debugging or redesigning your website.

We'll go over how to make your own comments in this post.

Step By Step Guide On How Do You Insert A Comment In A CSS File?

The Comments in CSS are the statements in your code that the compiler ignores and are not executed.

Single-line and multi-line comments are both acceptable. CSS comments don't have to be limited to a single line. You can space the comment out over numerous lines using the same opening and closing tags as before.

Remember that everything after the initial comment tag is considered part of the document's content by the CSS stylesheet.

It won't know where to end until you shut that comment tag. This is why comments with many lines are possible.

Both single and multiline comments can use the /* */ comment syntax. Adding comments to the code is a good practice that can aid in understanding the code if it is read or reviewed later.

An example of how to add a comment to a CSS file is shown below.

<!DOCTYPE html>    
/* This is a one-line comment */

A statement that extends across multiple lines

/* Such Comment can also be used to disable specific styling */

  1. We begin by typing <! DOCTYPE html>, which informs the web browser of the file's HTML version.
  2. On the other hand, the <html> element is used to indicate the beginning of HTML content.
  3. The information about web pages is now contained in the< head> tag. This tag uses the< title> element to allow us to provide a web page title. The <head> and <title> tags are examples of paired tags. As a result, both have the closing tags< /head> and </title>.
  4. In the head tag, a <style> tag was used. We have specified the comment by using the proper opening and closing comment tags.
  5. Comments should start with /* and end with */. Anything between these two tags is the comment's text, which is only viewable in the code and isn't shown by the browser.
  6. Both single and multiline comments employ the /* */ comment syntax. Comments cannot be nested, as they cannot be in most programming languages that use the /* */ comment syntax. To put it another way, the first use of */ after a /* closes the comment.
  7. The <body> element is used to define the webpage's content. This is where all of the website's material will be written. We've covered three alternative approaches to use comments.
  8. The </body> and </html> tags, respectively, are used to close the <body> and< html> tags.

Conclusion :-

You can use comments to add explanatory notes or to restrict the browser from rendering specific areas of your style sheet.

The interpretation of other portions of your CSS or the front-end layout of your website will be unaffected by comments. I hope this tutorial on how do you insert a comment in a CSS file helps you.

Author Image About Ashish

Ashish is a dynamic and motivated individual with a passion of programming and an experienced programmer having 3+ years of experience in various languages like Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and various frameworks like Bootstrap

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