Get Custom Post Type In WordPress
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - WordPress | Written & Updated By - Dikshita
In this article we will show you the solution of get custom post type in WordPress, Posts and pages are not the only types of content that can be generated on your website by using plugin types.
By upgrading your WordPress website to a powerful content management system, your blog will become more powerful and effective.
With the Post Type Generator website, you can create your own custom code that can be added to your website.
If you would like to register a custom post type, you can use the sample code provided, but you should modify these options according to your unique needs.
So your WordPress website becomes an effective content management system by converting it from a simple blogging platform.
A regular post with a different post_type value in the database is all that defines a custom post type from a standard post.
Regular posts are of the post type, while pages and attachments are of the page and attachment types, respectively.
Now that you may make your own, it will be clear what kind of content was produced. For example, you may make special post kinds for reviews of items, movies, books, and other media.
Step By Step Guide On Get Custom Post Type In WordPress :-
- The plugin for Post Type Widgets needs to be installed and activated first. Custom post types allow you to add content to your website that isn't found in posts or pages.
- To add the "Recent Posts (Custom Post Type)" widget to a sidebar after activation, go to Appearance » Widgets.
- You can use this widget to display recent posts from every post type. From the "Post Type" dropdown, you must choose your custom post type, then the options you desire.
- As soon as you're finished, be sure to click the 'Update' button at the very top of a screen before visiting their website to view the widget through action.
- Additionally, the plugin includes custom post form widgets for displaying archives, a calendar, categories, recent comments, search, and a tag cloud.
- Custom post types can also be created. These are helpful when producing content that isn't in the same format as a typical post or page.
Conclusion :-
As a result, we have successfully learned how to get custom post type in wordpress. Posts, pages, and media are three types of content you can add to WordPress.
Using different post types will allow you to organize your content more effectively. You can add your own post types by creating them yourself.
I hope this article on get custom post type in WordPress helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.