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Disable Button JavaScript

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Disable Button JavaScript

In this article we will show you the solution of disable button JavaScript, in our programme, we may frequently need to decide whether to enable or deactivate a button on a webpage depending on whether or not specific circumstances are met.

Therefore we must be aware of the steps to take. Now move to the concept of disable button in JavaScript.

Step By Step Guide On Disable Button JavaScript :-

One of the few HTML components that can have a state, i.e., be either enabled to receive a click or it can be deactivated, is the button element.

For instance, let's say that when a user fills out a form on our website, we only want to show them the submit button after they have selected the "They have read the terms and conditions" checkbox or entered the required information.

Therefore, every button element in HTML has a specific property called disabled that may be used to accomplish that.

Using the disabled attribute, we may change the activeness of a button's state from true to false and therefore enable or disable the button.

Have you ever observed that on web forms, the submit button usually remains inactive until all necessary fields have been filled in?

This is accomplished by determining the button's status (enabled/disabled) based on whether or not the input field is filled in.

The same idea is true for radio buttons and checkboxes. The reasoning behind switching a button's state from disabled to enabled Set the button's initial state to disabled.

Allow the button to remain disabled if the mandatory field's input value is empty.

(State of disabled = TRUE) The button's status will change to enabled if the input value for the mandatory field is not null. (Alternately, set disabled state to FALSE.)

We can disable any button element in JavaScript if we use the querySelector, the getElementById, the getElementByClassName, the getElementByTagName method, or another element selector technique.

We must first decide which particular button we would like to focus in order to get it to work.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <button id="button">Submit</button>
    const button1 = document.getElementById("button");
    const disableButton = () => {
      button1.disabled = true;
    button1.addEventListener("click", disableButton);
  1. We begin our HTML coding with Head Tags.
  2. Our page's title is then added using the title tag.
  3. Next, we close the tags for our HEAD and TITLE.
  4. Following that, we begin the section of code where we create the button and designate it as a submit button.
  5. We then begin our script.
  6. In the script, we first use the button's id to capture it.
  7. Following the creation of the function, the button is disabled.
  8. When the click event occurs, we then run the procedure, disableButton().
  9. Finally, we close the HTML and script.

Conclusion :-

We now properly understand the javascript concept of a disable button, and we can also see that every button element in HTML has a disabled property that can be used to toggle between the states of activity and inactivity.

To do that, we must first use query selectors to capture that particular button, and then, The button can be changed. disable the button and button by setting disabled = true.

disabled = false; to make it active once more.

We may use this method to make a button active or inactive depending on whether or not certain specified circumstances are met, such as making the submit button available only when the user has completed all required forms, etc.

The "disabled" property in JavaScript and jQuery can be used to enable and disable the button.

For the button to be enabled or disabled, respectively, set the value of the disabled property to "true" or "false."

With the use of JavaScript and jQuery, we have demonstrated how to enable and disable buttons.

I hope this article on disable button JavaScript helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Amruta

Amruta is an Experienced web developer with 4 years for experience she completed her master's with MCA and passionate about programming Languages for creating technical contents like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, jQuery.

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