Custom Listview In Android Example
Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024
IN - Android | Written & Updated By - Amruta
In this article we will show you the solution of custom listview in android example, displays a list of vertically scrollable views, each one immediately below its preceding view.
When displaying lists, use RecyclerView for more flexibility, performance, and modernity.
See Handling click events for details on how to make a list item behave when a user clicks or taps it.
CursorAdapters can be used to populate a list view with text by following the instructions in the Layouts guide.
Using a loader will allow you to move the cursor safely. Operating a loader provides more information about how to operate a loader.
The Android platform provides us with the option to customize our ListView after creating a simple one. Similarly to simple ListViews, custom ListViews use Adapter classes to add content (such as strings, arrays, databases, etc.) to its content.
Views and AdapterViews communicate using an adapter
You may include a list view into your layout XML file to display a list:
<ListView android:id="@+id/list view" android:layout width="match parent" android:layout height="match parent”/>
Displays a series of views that can be scrolled vertically, with each view appearing directly behind the one before it.
Use RecyclerView for a more cutting-edge, adaptable, and effective method of presenting lists.
A list view can be included in your layout XML file to display a list:
<ListView android:id="@+id/list view" android:layout width="match parent" android:layout height="match parent" />
A list view contains views without regard to their specifics, such as their type or contents, as it is an adapter view.
Whenever the user scrolls up or down, the list view tells the ListAdapter to display new views.
To display items in the list, call setAdapter(android.widget.ListAdapter). This straightforward example can be found in the Layouts handbook under adding text to adapter views.
Your dataset can be viewed in a more specific way by using a ListAdapter. Build a view for each item of data, for instance, by extending BaseAdapter and setting the view in getView(...):
Step By Step Guide On Custom Listview In Android Example :-
private class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter { @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup container) { if (convertView == null) { convertView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.list_item, container, false); } ((TextView) convertView.findViewById( .setText(getItem(position)); return convertView; } }
- Create a new project in Android Studio called Empty Activity .
- Utilizing the activity main.xml Activity main.xml contains a list view as its root view. Put the following code in the activity main.xml file and be sure to include the correct ListView ID.
- Constructing a unique ListView View, The folder creates a layout named custom list view.xml under layout and executes the code below.
- Create a unique class for a unique layout We manually call the getter and setter for the custom list view layout by constructing this custom class.
- Make a custom class called NumbersView in the Application's package folder and run the subsequent code.
- Next, develop a specialised NumbersView-based ArrayAdapter class that extends the ArrayAdapter class. This class should be created in the same package as the file.
- Using the file In this situation, a custom ArrayList must be made out of all the items that are Image for ImageView, Text for TextView 1, and Text for TextView 2, respectively.
Conclusion :-
The Android platform provides us with the option to customize our ListView after creating a simple one.
Cursor Adapters can be used to populate a list view with text by following the instructions in the Layouts guide.
Using a loader will allow you to move the cursor safely. Operating a loader provides more information about how to operate a loader.
I hope this article on custom listview in android example helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.