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Convert String To INT JavaScript

Last Updated : Mar 11, 2024

Convert String To INT JavaScript

In this article we will show you the solution of convert string to int JavaScript, Programming's essential, foundational idea is data management.

And using JavaScript to convert a string to a number is a common and straightforward procedure. Now move to the concept of converting string to int in JavaScript.

Step By Step Guide On Convert String To INT JavaScript :-

In JavaScript, a number can be represented as an integer (for example, "7") or even as a string.

However, because they are two entirely distinct categories of items, using a rigid comparison method to compare and contrast the two would be ineffective.

Changing a string into a number using the parseInt function

JavaScript offers us a number of simple ways to convert a string to a basic number.

Let's examine JavaScript's parseInt() function for converting strings to numbers.

A string is the first input to the parseInt() function.

Additionally, a base is required in order to transform the string. An integer will always be the value that is returned.


parseInt (string, radix)

A radix option sets the number system to be used: 2 = binary, 8 = octal, 10 = decimal, and 16 = hexadecimal.

JavaScript assumes radix is 10 in the absence of radix. JavaScript assumes radix 16 if the value starts with "0x".

Using the parseFloat function to convert a string to number

We can observe how JavaScript changes a text into a point number in this technique.

A number with decimal points is known as a point number. JavaScript will also return the value if we pass strings with arbitrary content in them.

Method of multiplication by 1

This approach is maybe the quickest way to get our transformed values.

In order to receive the results in integer or point number format, we have multiplied our strings by 1 in this approach.

To achieve the same outcome, we can alternatively add using the '+' operator as an alternative.

function convertStoI() {
        var a = "11";
        var b = parseInt(a);
        console.log("Integer value is " + b);
        var d = parseInt("3 11 43");
        console.log('Integer value is ' + d);
  1. The function converStoI is created in the first line of code.
  2. You can see that we generate the variables following that.
  3. You can see that there is a variable with the name var a, and you stored the value 11 there.
  4. Following that, you'll notice that the parseInt method is used in a variable called var b.
  5. The value is then printed with the aid of console.log.
  6. You then notice that the variable named var d, in which you stored the value using parseInt, is now visible.
  7. Next, you use console.log to once more print the value.

Conclusion :-

Consequently, we have successfully learned the JavaScript idea of string to integer conversion.

Additionally, we have seen a variety of Javascript ways for converting texts to numbers.

Although there are plenty legitimate ways to manipulate data. Choosing performance over readability or striking a balance between the available alternatives is up to the programmer.

I hope this article on convert string to int JavaScript helps you and the steps and method mentioned above are easy to follow and implement.

Author Image About Dikshita

Passionate Electronics and Communication Engineering student with expertise in web development (HTML, CSS, JS,PHP, Bootstrap, React.js) and content writing. Eager problem solver and tech enthusiast, adept at creating engaging web experiences.

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